Chapter 22

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We get from the showers back to our rooms we lie on the mattress and she shuts her eyes while I look at the ceiling and think. I look at her, she is wearing the exact same clothes as me, and is thinner then the day I was taken from her, probably from stress and lack of food. Her ankle still looks swollen but not as bad as it was when I first saw it. Her cheeks and nose are light sprinkled with faint freckles and her hair is lighter in colour from the sun and surprisingly not tangled or matted. She has always been pretty just never though of herself like that, she always thinks about other people before herself she even went three days without food and little water for me to be fed. I wish everyone I met was like her, especially my mother. You know what I don't want to have anything to do with her, I don't want want to be anything like her, starting with my accent. I won't talk like I usually do, that way I'll blend in and everyone will stop asking me about the stupid boat I came from!

"Stop staring at me," Nova says bored.

She always knows when people are looking at her even if she isn't looking, "sorry," I mumble.

I hear her stomach growl and then I suddenly feel like food, I don't even know where I will get some from, Lee will but unfortunately that would involve me having to talk to him.

"If your going to go talk to Lee I might as well come with, I could eat a person right now," she says reading my mind.

I jump off the bed and fetch her crutches, she gets up and we walk out the room and across the hall to the boy's room. I remember what happened an hour ago here, we were such cows... But it was freaking hilarious. I look over at Nova she looks slightly uncomfortable, I can't hear them so I knock on the door. Something shuffles inside the room and unlocks the door, The door opens to reveal Reece wearing just worn out blue jeans, no shirt and is drying his hair with a towel. He has a very, very good looking body, abs and freaking tan as, he even impresses me and I have high standards. I look over at Nova who isn't very good at hiding her surprise as her jaw basically hits the ground, he is looking at her with a smirk and I nudge her back to reality.

Turning red she asks," um, can we, um, talk to Lincoln, please," it takes a lot of effort not to laugh as she is avoiding eye contact with Reece and he is still smirking.

"Lincoln!" He yells behind him.

"I told you just to call me Lee-," Lincoln walk to the door also shirtless with wet hair, nice body but very pale.

Instead of flaunting it like Reece his arms fly over his chest and he squeals retreating into the bedroom, I giggle and two seconds later he comes back wearing a black shirt over his jeans.

"What's up gorgeous?" He asks Nova not looking at me, so much for the conversation that they had earlier, straight back to flirting with an obviously not interested Nova.

"The ceiling," she replies bluntly and he gets shot down, he glances over at me but that's it," I wanted to ask were we could get some food from."

He smiles and says, "the Mess Hall, if you wait a second Reece could take you there."

He only refers to her and she picks this up and says, "well if it's okay with you my Terah will be coming with us, unless your too nervous, I mean that's the reason why you're ignoring her right now isn't it?"

He goes red, and says still not looking at me," I'm not ignoring her."

"Well she's right beside me why don't you say hi?" Nova asks and I feel slightly self conscious.

He ignores her and doesn't look at me, she brushes it off and says to Reece, "will you hurry up and put a shirt on before I go permanently blind."

He looks shocked then says,"no one was making you look."

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