Chapter 3

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We end up staying the whole night in the shelter just in case everyone came back, but they didn't. I go out early in the morning to have a quick shower and run back to the room, it's just so eerie without everyone here, and I keep thinking about the girl. Terah refuses to leave the room without me so I have to go with her to the shower, and it took us twice as long to get the supplies we need. We find several weapons in the Elders rooms but unfortunately I'm the only one who knows how to use a knife properly. We hadn't been outside all day so it shocked the hell out of us when we were presented with the scene. All the adults in the camp had been slaughtered on the front lawn, Including James. Terah nearly vomited, but she couldn't hold the tears, she knew all the people in this camp and they had grown to love her. But one thing was missing out of the scene, children, actually anyone under the age of twenty was gone.

We run to the Gutter Rats camp is and witnessed a similar gory scene. And again there was no children. Every camp we went to was a murder scene all without children and even Terah had noticed it now.


We walk down the crumbling streets and weave our ways through the rusty 'cars'. Every now and then we would see another murder scene, we have became use to it.

"Nova, are we the only ones left?" Terah asks.

I don't want to answer her because she already knows the answer. After all the camps we have seen I'm sure that we are the only ones left.

"Terah, I think we should stop for awhile," I tell her once I notice her lagging behind.

We walk into the shade cast by one of the buildings and take out some beef jerky. We split it in half and eat it with water. Silence. Not even a bird is making a noise, this is strange. I go to mention it to Terah when a loud thump sounds from behind the other side of the building.

"Nova, can you hear that!" She whisper-yells to me.

"Yeah... Do you want to stay here while I find out what it is?" I ask quietly, she shakes her head no, while packing up our stuff.

We sling our backpacks over our shoulders and I pull out my knife. She follows behind me and nearly jumps out of her skin when a feral cat jumps out of a trash-can beside her.

I start laughing at her," it was only a cat!"

Then she starts laughing so hard she cries. Her laughter stops abruptly and she looks at me with a horrified look on her face.

"What? Do I have something on my face," a second after I say that I notice that her eyes aren't looking at me, but over my shoulder.

Now I start to freak. I slowly turn my head to see two tall and one small figures down the other end of the shaded alleyway.

"Run," I say quietly and we both sprint in the opposite direction of them.

We run out of the of the alley and past the place we sat down to eat, we sprint around a corner and Terah grabs my arm and drags me into the crumbling ruins of a small house. We hide behind one of its cement walls and peer around the corners. It seems that they haven't followed us, Terah slides her back down the wall at the same time as me and puts her head onto my shoulder. She pushes my long black hair out the way and sighs.

One day, that is all it took for our world to spin upside down, I hear her start to cry and I lift her face into my hands. She is a year younger then me and I claimed her as my sister, she had been found at the same time as me by James, she never told me were she came from though. Her normally pale face is now blood red, her blonde hair is sticking to her forehead and her bright green eyes are bloodshot and wet from tears. I place her head onto my shoulder and let her cry herself to sleep, which she does.

Once she is asleep I pick her up and carry her into a small room like my office and put her onto a mattress, I then open the backpack and pull out a blanket and cover her with it, shutting the door so that no one can get into her room without me knowing. I scope out the rest of the house and finally find the bathroom, I look in the mirror and gasp at my appearance. My caramel coloured skin is soaked with sweat, that glistens in the afternoon sun, my black hair is knotted, my hazel eyes are bloodshot like Terah's. I sigh and pull out a brush out of my backpack and begin untangling it, I end up putting it in a French braid.

I put the brush away just as I hear Terah scream in the bedroom, I race to the room and bust through the door to be greeted by the three figures we saw in the alleyway. The smallest one holds something to Terah's neck, I can't see what it is because it is now dark, but I assume it is a knife. The tall one turns and sees me it pushes me against the doorframe and I hit my head hard, I hear Terah scream before everything goes black.


I wake up to the light of the fire, a hooded figure sits across from me and looks up when I move.

"Nice nap, sleeping beauty?" A male voice asks me.

The events that lead up to why I'm here rush through my brain," where is my my sister!?" I yell.

"I wouldn't have guessed you two were related, cause your both look completely different," he replies.

I ignore him and continue," If you have hurt her I will kill you."

He laughs at me," go ahead princess, your friend is safe for now, but if you don't tell us what the hell is going on she won't be."

"I don't know what's going on!" I yell.

"You're lying, you can't of escaped them if you don't know what is going on," he replies.

"Escaped who!" I say angrily.

"You know who, and considering the fact that you aren't cooperating, bring her out," he yells to me and someone in the distance.

Terah is dragged towards me kicking and screaming by two other people.

The man on the other side of the fire continues talking to me," tell me what you know or we'll gut your 'sister' like a fish."

What will Nova do?

Wait for the next chapter to find out

As always comment to help me improve my book or vote please

Love Freyjaxoxo

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