Chapter Seven : Your love is my drug

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" I'll go get us some more drinks. What do you want Heather? " Madison paused. " Heatheeeeer? Hello? Anyone in there? " She said poking my forehead.

" Numbers. "  I mumbled 

" Dude, you're weirding me out. Do you want something to drink or not? " 

I snapped out of my day dreaming session and tried to focus on Madison. I gotta stop talking to myself in my head. It distracts me from situations, plus it creeps people out. " Um, do they serve juice? " Madison and Fay burst out laughing and when I noticed how stupid and childish I sounded I decided to save myself the shame. " Just kidding! Gotcha! " I said letting out the most awkward laugh of all times.

You know, the creepy pedo laugh you fake because you don't know how to explain the stupidity you've done or said. Ah, you get the point! 

Good thing I memorized the label on Sawyer's bottle. " BACARDI! " I shouted in excitement. Very much excitement. Too much excitement. Okay I may have exaggerated just a little bit. Actually a lot, a couple that was making out on the dancefloor next to me shot me a weird look.

" What? " I said putting my bitch face on. " It's a free country! Can't I express myself? Jee, go back to exchanging saliva you dirty........mice. "

Mice?MICE? Really mind? Really?Out of every single cuss word you choose to call them mice? Is this some kind of sick game to make me seem stupid on my first day or what?

Maybe I should've called them unicorns! You dirty little unicorns! Oh yeah, you ain't got nothing to say? You wanna cry cause I called you a unicorn? Weak sauce! 

I let out a laugh at my own stupidity. I'm laughing at myself, totally not psycho!

" There you go guys. " She said handing us our drinks.

" Auds just texted me. She said we should get our asses to the living room this instant."

" NO " They both stared at me with confusion. That stupid lovey dovey couple stared at me too.Really? You're gonna stare at me again? Take a picture it'll last longer.

" I mean, I'll stay. I wanna dance. " I said trying to sound convincing.

" Oh, don't be silly you're coming with us. " said Fay. " Or aren't we good enough for you? "

Was she seriously pissed or is it just an act? I'm confuuuuused as fuck. HELP.

Lucky for me, Madison saved the situation. " Excuse her, she has a bad temper.Especially when she drinks. " 

Madison pushed us both into the living room. I felt like a little kid being forced to go to the doctor.

" So are you having fun? " Audrey grabbed my hands looking me in the eye with excitement. 

Taking a big sip of my now finished Bacardi cola I screamed " Yes! I love you guys! " I hugged Audrey and she chuckled giving me another drink. " Here...have this. It's stronger and it tastes better. " 

I took the liquid out of her hands in no time and drank a big gulp of it. Wooow, hold on. What just happened? Why is everything so funny and loud? I shook my head and tried to adjust my eyesight when I noticed something.... I opened my mouth but some rude ass football player shouted. Ugh. Ignorant bastards.

" Aye girls! Come join the party! " Audrey practically dragged me to go sit between Sawyer and some other guy. I think his name was Zeo...Zeo, it sounds so weird. Zeo. He was chilling on the couch just laughing by himself. " Hey I'm Zeo. But you probably know that" He said offering me his hand. 

Finally! Someone crazy but less crazy! Does that even make sense? Nah. I smiled at him and gave him my hand. " Heather, nice to meet you. "

" So what are you on? "

" Excuse me? " 

" I said what are you on? What can we offer you? Are you a weed lover or you want something high class like Coke? "

I laughed. Yeah I know, not the right time but my dysfunctional brain just ordered me to laugh. I mentally slapped myself across my stupid face but to my surprise he laughed too. I don't even remember how long we've been laughing for no reason but a few tears escaped my eyes.

" Soooooo, I'm guessing coke?  " He asked pointing at the white line Audrey was sniffing.

I took a sip of Zeos drink as I already finished the drink Audrey gave me. " Eh what the hell. Let's do it. " I watched carefully as Sawyer got the white powder out of his pocket and winked at me. I winked back giving him a seductive smile. What the fuck was wrong with me? I need a drink.

Yeah, my brain was on vacay, cause there's no other explanation. 

Everything was ready. Audrey looked at me, curiousity written all over her face. In fact, everyone was looking at me. There it was...the moment of truth. The moment I reserve myself a seat in the VIP section or join the looser train.

But of course, since my brain and common sense were non existent at the moment due to the amout of drinks I had, I decided to go with what my heart was telling me to do. Turns out my instincts were as stupid as my brain.

I leaned to the table with a huge smile on my faceand after covering my one nostril I sniffed the white line of powder. It went up my nose really fast, leaving a funny and ticklish sensation. Everyone cheered, it wasn't that bad after all. I guess. 

" You're definitely one of us babe! " Sawyer came closer and rested his right hand on my thigh. I smiled. Somehow, Sawyer didn't scare me anymore. I could tell he was a douche bag but he didn't scare me, he wouldn't physically hurt me. I saw it in his eyes.

" Not long until it kicks in! " Audrey was dancing and laughing with Logan. Wait...why is her hand on...his...erm. What? His crotch? That's just....normal? To be honest it was kinda funny! Don't ask why, it just was! Everything was!

I poured myself another drink and just then...I felt a strong wave of pleasure run through me. I felt like I could do anything. I was invincible.

" I'm the king of the world mother effers! " Sawyer started jumping and screaming from the top of his lungs. He amuses me. He's hot. Let's dance with him.

Yup I agree with my brain. I stood up right beside him and started dancing next to him. The DJ was playing "Make it nasty" by Tyga and I must say, things got kind of heated between us.

I drank a big gulp of his Bacardi bottle trying to hold the cold disgusting liquid in my mouth and forcing myself to swallow it. I had my back turned to Sawyer and he was slowly moving his body with mine. His hands travelling all over me, I could feel his hardness on my back but I didn't care. I liked him, it, the party, everything and everyone! 

Sawyer turned me around and bit his lip. I was looking at his mouth craving for his lips to meet mine. He suddenly leaned forward cracking up a smile and...

A/N : Yeah hate me forever I am a mean person for all these cliffhangers I know xD anyways, I would really appreciate it if you guys left a comment/voted for my story :) comments make my day! Write whatever you want guys I'd like to hear your opinion! So...what do you think? Is Sawyer really gonna kiss Heather or is he messing around with her? And if so, will Heather LET Sawyer kiss her? Does she really really like him or is she just drunk? Comment my lovely bunny rabbits with magical fairy wings :3 I love you all!Also vote if you wanna see Sawyers picture ;)  *Flips hair * Roxy's out MWAH

Peace,Love,Pizza in your stove :33

Roxy M.

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