Chapter Twenty Nine: Redemption

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"Could you please uncuff me so I can show you what I mean? " I shouted impatiently at the two detectives in front of my face.

" No. " Detective Hueber shot me a deadly look inspecting every inch of my body as if I was a first class criminal, so degrading, so humiliating I could never truly describe the feeling even if I could.

" Miss Grimes we will do it for you, but right now we cannot uncuff you. " The blonde police woman pointed out while standing up, making her way closer to me. Her moves slow , trying to figure me out head to toe.  She leaned in and looked into my eyes, excpecting the truth? Expecting me to crack and tell her that I killed Sawyer? I honestly don't know what she wanted, I was tired. Tired of constantly being on the wrong, being accused , hated. I was tired of everything. Worn out. 

I looked her in the eye so scared, my eyebrows glued together and the fear in my eyes threatening to let loose of all the tears I've been holding back in this cold room. " Just please put your hand down my left shoe. I'm sure it's still there. " I cried out, with all the emotion and strength I had left. 

She nodded with a frown, positioning herself closer to my boots she reached out trying to find it. 

I bited my lip in agony trying to avoid detective Huebers look. " Alright, I got something Christian. " She warned while turning around to look at the detective whose name I assume was Christian. 

She repositioned herself on the chair , unfolding the little note in my shoe. 



                               " NEV3R. "

She slowly read the note while giving Hueber another worried look. 

Suddenly I regained some faith, thinking that this note could actually save me from whatever hell I was expected to go through. " We have to scan this for fingerprints. " He said getting up.

Detective Hueber stormed out of the room leaving me with the blonde woman.

"Look. " She said not wasting a second. " I know you didn't do this, and I know you're scared. But Heather you're not giving me the full story. " The blonde woman repositioned herself not letting me out of sight. 

Truth is, I have nothing to be scared of, I'm innocent and I know who is behind this. I just gotta prove it. I somehow have to prove it was Stacey and Fay without giving her the whole story about Fawcett. Ugh this is so confusing.

She's looking at me expecting some kind of truth that will crack her case. A case that resembled a failed teenage slasher movie around the 90's. I pretended to think about it. You see, when you're around such people you have to be careful of your body language, it speaks louder than your words. 

I sighed. I can tell her the truth. I can tell her the half truth, that's not a lie is it? 

A sudden wave of confidence radiated through my body as I was  carefully planning exactly how to say this. I could also use a little bit of fake crying right? I mean, I already got myself into the Pretty Little Liars cast by mistake, I might aswell play the field.

I leaned in all concearned. " It was Stacey Douglas and Faith Monelly. " 

The detective took out her notepad writing it all down. " Stacey is the ex girlfriend of the boy I am currently dating, and Faith. " I paused. " Well I always felt like there was something off about her. " I crossed my hands. " I don't know what kind of point they are trying to prove and why they would do this but... " I looked at her , tears ready to form in my eyes. " But they did. And they are blaming me and Sawyer. So please, please. " I said emphasizing my words.

" Help me. "

" I have everything I need Miss Grimes. And I will help you, don't worry. " She said softly touching my hand. " You don't have to be scared. We're here now. " 

Suddenly the door opened and detective Hueber stormed in once again with a stiff look on his face.

" Alright Miss Grimes we have notified your family they will be here shortly. " He said before turning to face his colleagues. " The fingerprints don't belong to her. " 

" Does this mean I'm free to go? " I asked impatiently. 

Yes! It all worked out! I said to myself cheerfully.

"For now, yes Miss Grimes, you're free to go. " He said with more disappointment than he wanted to show. 


I waited at the police station until I saw my mothers figure angrily making her way towards me , her look made me shiver, she was gonna drag me through hell and back. I stood up nervously as she and my brother were getting closer. 

" Heather Dorothy Grimes. " Her voice cold and her eyebrows glued together. This is it, I'm getting a slap worse than Kanye West's theories. She stood there looking at me angrily.

" How could you do this to me? " She said hugging me tightly, I could feel the sadness in her voice.  " Mom, I - " I froze feeling the warmth and security my moms hug was providing me.

" Well this is awkward. " Lucas moaned standing behind mom who was having an emotional breakdown right in the middle of a police station. 

"Sweetie are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened? How did you end up here? You know you can tell me anything, why aren't you telling me anything anymore I am your mother. " She said cupping my face , tears streaming down her face.

" I just wanna go home mom, please. " I said giving her another warm hug. 

As we were walking to the car Lucas pulled me into a one arm hug. " What the hell Heather? " He whispered loudly into my ear. " Zeo told me everything! Is it true? " 

" Shush! Lower your voice and act like you missed me , I'll tell you at home. "

He gave me a loud nervous chuckle and started talking nonsense. " Hahaha I missed you so much Heather you're definitely my best sister. " He stuttered. " Not that I have another sister, you're my only sister, but even if I had another one you would still be the best one . " He sighed throwing his arms in the air. 

I gave him a slap on the back of his head. " Ouch ! " He whined. 

" What was that for? "

" For being an idot. " I rolled my eyes giving him a sarcastic smile. 

To be continued...

A/N : Oh hellu there! New Chapter! Thank you all for your support , I never thought this story would get this far but thank you so much! I love you all! Don't forget to leave a VOTE/COMMENT it really helps me out!  xx

Peace, Love, Pizza in your stove :3

Roxy M.

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