Chapter Four: Welcome Home,Princess

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"Heather honey what are you doing outside?It's so windy."My mom's voice was so caring."Oh hey mom uh...I was just checking out this wooden swing.Why are you home so early?" I asked full of curiousity.

"Well sweetie it's my first day so they let me go home earlier than usual.They even gave me a few days to settle down and then go to work."She smiled at me,her light brown eyes were warm and full of love.The wind was getting worse and worse and her loose curls were getting in her face.

"Come on lets go inside and cook something nice for dinner."She said.

"Um,mom I don't think there's anything in the fridge."I said sounding more disappointed then I actually wanted to.

"Oh I am such a silly goose!I forgot the shopping bags in the car."She said giggling."Here,take the keys and go get them."She said handing me the keys.

"Yes mom."Ugh great.Lucas was the man yet I was obligated to carry three heavy shopping bags.I mumbled to myself in annoyance.

I let out a small gasp of relief as I dropped the bags on the kitchen counter.Luckily,the kitchen was close to the door.The counters had a dark brown colour and the fridge was wooden.

I decided to explore a little bit as I still haven't checked anything out.I walked over to the living room and my eyes widen in excitement as I notice  huge flat screen on the wall.

"Nice huh?"said Lucas resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes!Of course.I mean awesome!I mean gah,no words to express it!"I said trying to supress the feeling to scream.

"Jeez calm your boner sis it's not the White House."He said immitating my voice in a hilarious way.I laughed and shook his hand off my shoulder to ruffle his hair."Moron."I said hiding my smile.

"I am so ignoring your latest statement which by the way is totally untrue and if you're begging me for forgiveness my highness will consider it." He said sticking out his tongue like a five year old."Oh I'm sorry.You sir,are a moron.Better?"I sarcastically smiled,crossing my hands.

Lucas flushed me a smile and pushed me into a big hug,resting his chin on my shoulder."Awww,look at my babies perfectly getting along."Mom said covering her smile with her hands.Lucas immediately let me go.His expression changed as if mom had said something bad."But" She didn't continue as Lucas quickly disappeared upstairs.Mom's eyes darkened and her face froze.

"Mom,It's okay.You just have to give him some time.I can tell he already likes it here.I told her and pulled her into a hug.She gave me a forced smile and silently returned to making dinner.

I went upstairs to check my room,it was painted orange.Small but cozy,I thought to myself.A white bed with a lot of pillows and a matching dresser on the one side of the room and on the other there was a white desk along with some bookselves.This wasn't much,but I could change that,decorate it and maybe even buy an aquarium!Yes,it was the first time I was excited for something.I was new and I was gonna make it work here,cause I had a feeling.I just did.

I laid down on my bed looking at the ceiling making several thoughts about decorating my room.I look across the room and see two huge boxes looking at me and yelling "unpack us" but I was too lazy to do that right now.I just wanted to relax so I pulled my iPod out of my pocket and blasted some music.

"Peel the scars from off my back "

"I don't need them anymore"

"You can throw them out"

"Or keep them in your mason jars"

"I've come home."

Home...I smile at the word home.It was something me and Lucas didn't really have the last 5 years.But I believed this would change,I can feel it in my bones.

Lucas opened the door and made some odd gesures and I sat there wearing a weird look on my face,questioning his sanity.He came closer and took my headphones off,annoyed written all over his face."Pick your lazy ass up dinner is ready you asswipe."He said hitting me on the forehead."Auch!Take your hands off of me you fucktard!."





"Shut up already."He said sitting on top of me repeatedly hitting me on the forehead.I tried to hit him back but there's no doubt Lucas was much stronger than I will ever be."Mooooom Lucas is hitting me!"I shouted in despair."She called me a faggot."He protested."He started it!"I said trying to justify my actions.

"Both of you down here now."Mom shouted,emphasizing the word now."Unless,you wanna be grounded on your first week!"We both got up quickly and I ran down the stairs as fast as I could to save my ass.I could hear Lucas laughing though.

We had a nice dinner just the three of us and then I helped my mom with the dishes.But something caught my attention,something started buzzing.It was my phone."Audrey"I murmured running towards my phone."Hello"I answered.

"Thanks for calling bitch glad that I gave you my number."She said ironically."Anyways,I'm coming to pick you up."

"Audrey,where did you get my number?" I asked confused.

"Honey,I'm Audrey Mclane.I could find Harry Potter's number if I wanted to."She shot back,I could hear the cockiness in her voice."But that's not the point.I'm coming over.Be ready in ten minutes bitch.

"But."I didn't get the chance to respond as she hung up on me before my brain could even process what she said."Ten minutes."I said to myself.

After brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower I hurried downstairs to find my mom watching TV."Mom I'm leaving."I announced.

"Not so fast young lady."She shot me a you-better-not-be-late look and then turned it into a smile."Where do you think you're going?"She asked.

"To a party."I respond sounding like a spoiled brat.

"Who's party?"My mom raised an eyebrow.

"Mom you don't know her.Jesus,now let me go.I feel like I'm being questioned by the police."I leaned to give her a kiss on the cheek and went outside to wait for Audrey.

After a while I heard loud music and people talking.The music was becoming louder and louder.Audrey,I thought.Suddenly,a beautiful red cabrio BMW appears in front of me.Wow.Okay focus Heather cause you're drooling.I felt like my car was just a pile of rusty,old shit compared to this beauty.Oh wait,it was.

I got in the car and the three girls hugged me and pinched my cheeks as if I was some freaking chihuahua.I smiled awkwardly as they were screaming and giggling."Baaaabez today's your lucky day.You're becoming a princess!"Audrey said all excited but she was interrupted by Nicki.

"Girls!" she screamed and immediately both Fay and the other girl Madison started to panic."It's him.Oh em gee give me the lip gloss now."She quickly pressed the pink shiny gloss on her lips and smiled as sweet as she could when she saw Lucas approaching.

"Hey ladies."My brother said offering the girls a charming smile.He leaned closer to the car and winked at Nicki."Hey Lucas."They all said at the same time.

"Are you coming to the party?"Nicki asked biting her finger."Now that I know you're going,yeah sure thing babe." He responded with a seducing tone.Lucas Joshua Grimes you're a fucking liar,but a good one.I thought to myself.He knew he was already going but he had to say that in order to make Nickis panties drop.Lame.

As excited as I was feeling before,I have a bad feeling about all of this right now.The thing is,my instincts are almost never wrong.Oh god,what did I get myself into?

 A/N: I know this update is hella late but I had some stuff to deal with,sowwy :( Anyways!I had my belly button pierced yesterday yay!The song Heather was singing will be in the description my loves!IF YOU WANT COOKIES VOTE AND COMMENT!Nah,I'm giving you cookies either way cause I wuv you <3 but yeah vote and comment if u liked it,it would mean everything to me!

Peace,Love,Pizza in your stove. :3 

Roxy M.

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