Chapter Thirty: Newsflash

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" This is nice. " I cried out letting myself fall on my brother's bed. He sat down next to me with a stiff look on his face. 

" What? " I said raising my head.

" Heather ,Sawyer's in the hospital and you almost got yourself locked up. So don't what me. " Lucas crossed his arms. I'm sure that if I was a guy he would've punched me by now. " How the fuck did you guys get into so much trouble? " He asked.

I repositioned myself on the bed and began giving him the full full story, yes, the one Audrey told me. By the time I finished Lucas' jaw was on the floor and his eyebrows raised. " I can't believe Nicky was in on this. "

" Yeah. " I answered, more disappointed than ever. " But it's not like that little brother, she tried to stop them from doing it to me. " I tried to justify Nic as my brother was rubbing his chin. " I'm gonna break Sawyer's face when he gets out of the hospital. " 

" Lucas. " I pulled my brother into a hug dropping his body on the bed. " I love you. " I said giving him a kiss on the forehead.

 He quickly pulled away wiping his forehead. " Ewwwww. " 

I laughed as he was still wiping himself with his sleeve. He let out a small laugh and positioned himself on the bed next to me. " We're the Grimes siblings. We'll survive I guess. " 

 We both stared at the ceiling, soaking our souls into comfortable silence. Cherishing each others presence.

" You think they'll find them ? " I asked breaking our little sentimental moment of silence.

" Yeah, and if they don't , I will. " Lucas turned to face me and I gave him a little smile. 

It was nice to know he had my back. It's been so long since we just sat there...just the two of us, just like we always did back when things were normal. The last few weeks we lost ourselves a little bit. " Come on. " I said grabbing his hand. " Let's steal some beers and sit on the rooftop. " 

And that's what we did. We sat on the rooftop, letting all our worries vanish for just an hour. Look at the sky, talk about us when we were younger, remember dad and how enthusiastic he was, how much he loved fishing and how much Lucas hated it. 

We even built a fort and slept there tonight but the next morning I woke up by a slap on the face. 

" Ouch! " I whinced in pain touching my burning cheek. " What the fuck is wrong with you? " I screamed at my brother who was laughing in the corner. 

" Well we had a hell of a lot of gay moments yesterday, I figured I'd even things out a little bit. " 

I groaned rolling out of the fort and headed into the shower. " I'm driving today! " I screamed before slamming the bathroom door. 

He was such an idiot.

" Who wakes up their sibling with a slap on the face? " I angrily mummbled to myself looking in the mirror. 

I quickly fixed myself up and went downstairs to wait for Lucas. I swear he's worse than all girls combined. He takes so long to get ready. Lighting up a cigarette I took a sip of my coffee and then allowed myself to collapse on the counter at the thought of going to school.

" Come on I'm ready. " Said Lucas grabbing the keys off the counter. I groaned and followed him to the car.


My brother slammed the car door mummbling something about how hard it is to find a parking spot in this school and I followed him in silence. I knew what was coming. Judging by all my missed calls from Zeo, Madison and Logan this day was going to be the longest day of my life so far. Although shaking the negativity out of my head was the only possible solution there was , as I could already see Zeo and Logan sitting on a bench waving at us. 

" Hey guys. " I said letting my body fall on the bench. 

" Dude what the actual fuck? " Logan tilted his head giving me a schocked look.

" Yeah Heather what kind of mess did you guys get yourselves in? " said Zeo who was also looking at me with his eyebrows raised. 

"Lemme remind you guys that it is not my mess. " I said emphasizing the word not. 

" I was simply paying the price of your idiocy. " 

Zeo took out a pack of cigarettes and sinked into the bench , swallowing everything he had to say.

 " Wait guys no, we need to talk about this I'm not letting this slide. Sawyer is in the hospital for christ's sake! " Logans words echoed in my mind. Sawyer is in the hospital. 

I rubbed my temples in despair and decided that Logan was right. " Look Logan, this is not my fault. I'm not the crazy gang who decided to pick on innocent girls just to get over their daddy issues. " I spat out letting all my anger get the best of me.

"You know damn well you're not the victim here. This Fawcett thing has been hunting us all for over a year. So don't act like you understand! " For the first time, I saw Logan blow up, he was always so laid back . 

For my sake, we saw Nicky and Audrey making their way to the bench.

" Guys? We have a problem. " Said Audrey tossing a newspaper on Zeo's lap.

A/N: I decided to make a quick update this time. Since the book is doing so well I thought publishing chapters every few months may confuse some readers and they won't be able to follow the story. So there ya go :) Don't forget to VOTE/COMMENT if you liked it! MWAH

Peace, Love, Pizza in your stove :3

Roxy M.

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