Chapter Twenty Five : Sta(ce) y with me |

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" Heather " Audrey sighed, not knowing what to say. I'm not sure if she was feeling regret or embarrassment. 

" Dammit. " She laughed awkwardly. " I don't know where to start. I... I really don't know how we got here. Again. " Her eyes glued to the floor, she could not face me. And that's what triggered me. That's how I knew she was going to tell me the truth. Cause she couldn't look me in the eye. 

Yes I know, I know. They say that when people don't look you in the eye it probably means they're lying. But with Audrey it's different. I know her. She could sit here and make up a perfect story, filling up every missing hole in our head and smile genuinely. But this is her way of telling me she's going to be honest.

I know that.

" I guess I'll just start from the beginning. " She said when she finally got a hold of herself.

" Me, Fay Zeo and Sawyer were friends since we were little. Believe it or not, Fay and Sawyer were actually very good friends at the time. "

She chuckled. " I remember the day we met Logan. He was crying like a bitch because some random kid stole his ice cream. And then, as we were all feeling so so sorry for him. He suddenly stopped crying, went over to that kid, yanked his hair and smothered the ice cream all over his face. "

" Sawyer was an idiot from the start. So he immediately went over to Logan and we became inseparable since then. "

Audrey took a breath. " Later high school we met Nicky. At first she was hanging out with two girls that were new to the neighbourhood. Stacey and Fawcett. " 

She sighed. " I'm sorry I'll go on. "

" Since the age of 13, we formed a club. We had a plan. We would become the Glorious one's. It was almost as if you were watching Mean Girls. We dreamt of having this cliche scenario. And the guys of course, wouldn't say no, but they didn't care either. So we formed a school website. Slowly getting ourselves more and more known without anyone realizing it was actually us writing all that stuff.... "

" At the age of 15, we were already known as the Glorious One's. Which was exactly what we wanted. Spoiled little brats, neglected by their parents, this whole I'm dangerous thing you are suppose to stay out of. We soon packed ourselves into that. Thinking it'll just make us invincible and cool. And for a long time...we thought it was just a harmless popularity thing. Untill it got out of hand. Sawyer's personality became more and more aggressive. Zeo starting overdosing and Fay was becoming a cold hearted bitch. "

" That's when I met Nicky, Stacey and Fawcett. " Audrey sighed. " I wanted something new, we looked so fresh...yet we were so rotten. I was bored. And as soon as I saw Nicky....I knew she would be one of us. I wanted her, no, I needed her. "

Audrey's voice was now shaky. " So I....started this rumour that Stacey was selling drugs. "

My eyes widened. " It backfired didn't it ? " 

" Yes. " She responded. " Cleo, my half sister, was hanging out with Stacey, and....she stabbed me in the back. She chose Stacey over me. And she trapped me.  They both trapped me."

She laughed miserably. " I fairness, I totally deserved it. "

"That's why you hate Cleo this much.... " I interrupted her. " Oh sorry, please go on. " I smiled softly..trying to make the atmosphere just a little bit ligher. No luck.

Audrey continued. " It was exciting for a little bit, with a new member. With Nicky by our side. But quickly. Everything started being blank again. I was bored of the parties, I was bored of the alcohol, I was bored of the drugs. I wanted something more. And believe it or not.... I got it. "

" One very drunk day, sitting on Zeo's treehouse, which was our secret hideout back then, we said we would hold a convention for a "new " fun game. The S&U thing. We joked about Sucking the life out of other people, and  Using them. And then we somehow called it the S&U thing. Which was a stupid name, for a stupid game....which was supposed to never exist. " 

Audrey's voice was starting to shake. 

" But unfortunately....the game existed....and somehow, it gave us life, and enegry. Disgusting I know. "

The expression on my face must have said it all.... I was shocked.

Okay I was waiting for something big...

But not for something as deep as that was. I mean....that goes back a looong looong time.

" We usually got Sawyer, who had his way with the ladies since he was little, to trick girls into sleeping with them...and that's how it would all start. "

I felt tears streaming down my face for once again. " S-so...that was all an act? " I asked,trying to supress my tears. " T-that's why he was supposed to sleep with me? That's why you were so eager to find out? " 

I stopped to catch my breath. " He didn't feel anything for me. It was all an act. " My expression competely blank this time. But the words kept ringing inside my head. Over and over and over again.

" No, Heather, please let me finish it was not like that... "

I rushed to stop the tears from falling. " Oh... " I replied all lost. " Go on then. "

" No one really knew that was going. They just thought we were friendly enough to hang out with other people too. But for the high school was rumoured they accepted one person at a time. "

" High school royalty my ass. " Audrey mummbled. " Anyways, what started from a harmless, drunk, non existent game....spiraled into something deep, serious and crazy. " Audrey tried to calm herself down by softly putting her hand on her chest. 

" One day it all stopped. Because Sawyer fell for Stacey. " 

I opened my mouth so day something. Instead, I just took a small pill out of my bag, thinking that...if I swallowed it, I would actually be able to swallow the fact that Sawyer was in love with Stacey or something! 

" We got into a huge argument, and that was the end of Fay's and Sawyers great friendship. But when Stacey flipped out on him for being with many girls, which for the first time in his life, he was not, he broke up with her. And then... " She sighed.

" Then he found out that the only girl he did not cheat on....cheated on him with his good friend. "

" Don't tell me. " I muttered lighting a cigarette.

" Yes, it was Light. " She cut into the case pretty quickly. " Sawyer completely flipped out."

" Completely. " She emphasized, analyzing my facial expressions.

" He came to school full of bruises that day...and he told us he was just angry, so he kept hitting and breaking stuff. He was very angry. "

Wait...what? I panicked inside me. I know that's not quite right....

But then again...nobody really knows what's going on with Sawyer and those bruises of his...he won't fucking tell me what's going on. But I know for a fact, that he was definitely lying to Audrey that day. He didn't do this to himself.

Someone else did...

Several times...

And he didn't stop...

Untill today.

And, and Sawyer might be dead now. And no one will ever know what happened to him, if he was happy, if he was unhappy. 

I started panicking inside my head again. I felt so heavy, so helpless. I felt sick to the core. Disgusted by the thought that...

And I might have stabbed him.

A/N : Meow, Roxy's back. Okay it's 4:20 am and im drinking and writing.

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring or too confusing xD. Love yall little bug kittens! Remember to VOTE/COMMENT if you liked the chapter and I will give u a million free raccoons! 

Pease, Love, Pizza in your Stove :3

Roxy M.

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