Chapter Seventeen: Intervention gone wrong.

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I was sitting in class nervously bitting on my nails. It was almost time to go home and I have to admit, these damn ten minutes I had left felt like an eternity. My eyes were hopelessly following the clock.

I grinned in despair. So many thoughts racing through my mind. Okay. I need to focus.

I began planning my so called eventfull day, because it would sure as hell be eventful I can feel it in my bones.  First I need to find Josie and tell her that I have to postpone our meeting, as much as I wanted to hang out with her, Sawyer was my number one priority right now. I don't know....

I could just feel it in my gut that something was not alright. I rubbed my temples releasing a huge amount of air, I haven't even realized I was holding my breath.  

And what am I going to do with my mom? I mean, she seemed pretty upset judging from the text she send me earlier. Ignoring her wouldn't be the smartest option, it would be more like signing a contract with hungry Satan on his period. Basically.

The bell finally rang and I gathered my things as quickly as possible. 

" Not so fast Miss Grimes. " 

I turned around to face my teacher with a huge sign that said HUH all over my face. 

" I need to talk to you about something. "

I made my way towards him. I could not explain my urge to slap this man across his face right now. I had so many things to take care of yet he chooses this exact moment to talk to me. I mentally gasped. " Yes Mister Premingston? " There goes my attempt to be polite and not actually punch him.

" I don't know what you did at your previous school,but at this one." He paused. " You're failing. " He said smiling as if he just announced something happy. 

" Great. " I replied sarcastically.

" Have a nice day Miss Grimes and be sure to let your mother know about this. If not, I will contact her myself. " 

The dude kept smiling at me like a creep. 

Oh I'm sorry I haven't realized we're in Dexter you psychopath murderer! Have a nice day yourself you stupid prick cause that was just what I needed to complete my day of joy! 

" Great. " I repeated and left the classroom.

I do not have time for his bullshit I'll deal with this later! I mummbled to myself desperately searching through the hallway to find Josie. But there was no sign of her anywhere so I decided to not waste any more time and go home. I would explain to her later.

Walking to my car I saw Josie leaning against what I assume was her car.

" Hey you ready? "

" Uh, acually Josie as much as I would love to hang out with you I can't. "

She seemed a bit dissappointed. " Oh it's okay. Maybe some other time! " She smiled. " Here. This is my phone number call me when you wanna get together. " 

I took a quick look at the small paper she gave me and tossed it inside my bag.  Who keeps a paper with their phone number in their bag? I frowned. 

" Lucas hurry up. " I shouted at my brother who was walking in slow motion.

" Alright, alright you don't have to be so grumpy all the time jeez sis. "

" Dude are you high? I can't belive this! Mom is staging a major intervention back home and you're high? " I panicked.

" Chillax." He said dragging the letter a. " I don't even look high. " He giggled.

" Yeah you're right you don't. " I said slapping the back of his head with all my strength.

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