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liked by joe_mazzello, tchalamet, and 22,967 others

theoisntitalian tour begins soon, lovies

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user imagine being this beautiful omfg
tchalamet what does a guy gotta do to get some photo creds around here ugH
theoisntitalian i love you i promise you just don't deserve photo creds since you never give me any
tchalamet you present a fair argument
joe_mazzello told you i would find her mrgwilymlee
mrgwilymlee i never should have doubted you
theoisntitalian ???!!! hello
joe_mazzello hi!
benhardy oh no
joe_mazzello oh yes
user oh my lort

joe_mazzello followed theoisntitalian!
mrgwilymlee followed theoisntitalian!
theoisntitalian followed joe_mazzello!
theoisntitalian followed mrgwilymlee!
theoisntitalian followed benhardy!
benhardy followed theoisntitalian!

user but what i really want to know is What's Happening
theoisntitalian idk either
joe_mazzello BASICALLY, our ben has been looking through your profile all day and we caught him but he quickly locked his phone and wouldn't give up the goose and so i had to go searching for your profile and now here we are!
benhardy did you have to tell her the first part
mrgwilymlee don't be embarrassed, we've all instastalked a pretty girl before
theoisntitalian i-

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