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      after hours of answering questions about the movie, oftentimes having to repeat himself for each interviewer, ben found himself incredibly tired, wanting nothing more than to go back to the hotel room and sleep, maybe chat with theo for a little bit. it was one of their interviews and he was slowly zoning out, thinking about their night talking, startling when an elbow was shoved into his side. joe gave him a look, nodding to the interviewer. "i'm sorry, what?"
      "no worries. i asked about theodosia siano, the girl you posted about on your social media account. were you who timothée chalamet had been referring to when he mentioned a 'beau?'"
      "i, uh, i was, actually. the whole 'beau' thing is a little bit of a joke, since we are not in a relationship of that sort just yet. she thinks it's, uh, not quite funny, since she gets a hint of an embarrassed blush every time it's brought up. i think it's cute, personally."
      "you used the word yet to describe your relationship. care to explain?"
      "oh, i can take it from here," joe said confidently, grinning. "they're gonna fall madly in love, and one day we're going to have five siano-hardy babies just like there are five taylor kids. i call it. when it comes to pass, remember this interview."
      "i think you're getting very ahead of yourself," ben stated quickly, eyes wide with a slight panic."we just befriended each other, it's way too early for you to be figuring how many kids we're going to have."
      "you know, i have their names picked out, too. i was going to name them after my wigs, but i decided to go with a better theme, gender neutral names, because with five kids there's multiple variations of sons and daughters you could have. your children are rowan, dylan, jesse, emerson, and, of course, taylor."
      "as lovely as those names are, stop. please stop." ben laughed nervously, the interviewer joining in.
      "now, mr. hardy, how do you feel about the history between her and timothée chalamet, with how close they are?"
      "what do you mean?"
      "well, he's touring with her, and he'll be playing her love interest in the movie they're doing together. doesn't that make you uncomfortable in the least?"
      ben knit his brow, making a face of disgust. "of course not. why would i? they're friends, and beyond that, she and i are not in a relationship. i don't know how many times i need to state that she and i are not dating yet." he raked his hands through his hair, leaning back in the chair, taking a deep breath.
      joe leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "i think this interview is over, ma'am. it's been great speaking with you, but that's all the more we can take for today."
      she nodded, standing up abruptly and walking away. ben turned in his seat, looking to joe. "is this how it's going to be from now on? not being able to actively pursue theo without someone bringing up chalamet?"
      "you really do like her already, hm?" joe asked, giving his friend a small smile. "i was just teasing about the whole falling in love thing. i didn't realise it was that serious."
      "it's just, i don't know... when we spent that night staying up and just talking, i feel like i had really gotten to know her. and vice versa. i just... i can't wait for her to get to her uk segment of the tour so i can watch her read and flourish on stage."
      "you amaze me more and more every day, ben hardy. now let's go get the others and get out of here."

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