real life

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      theodosia made her way to the small café, boots clicking on the cobblestone streets as she walked quickly. in her arms she balanced her macbook, a sketchbook, two notebooks, her poetry book, and her wallet in her arms, a couple pencils and pens tucked into her hair bun. she shivered against the cool breeze sweeping through the parisian streets. she couldn't wait for spring.
      taking a seat in the corner of the café, theo spread everything before her, getting aligned and neat for the time being. she knew what she wanted the focus of the book to be, and now it was time to begin to execute it. étienne spotted her immediately, bringing her a mug of black coffee with enough ice to take it from steaming to lukewarm. she thanked him with the nod of her head, cracking her knuckles as she opened the laptop, opening a word document.
      she stared at the screen for nearly a half hour before doing anything, pulling forth every thought she had had in the past few weeks. as she began to type furiously, spilling her heart onto the lighted screen. étienne watched with curious eyes, wondering what she could possibly be doing. he brought her coffees when her mug ran dry, and as the hours stretched on, he brought her little snacks, varying from a slice of toasted baguette with butter and jam to a chocolate éclair to a small bowl of fruit. at first, she tried to shoo him away, claiming she felt no hunger, but after just the slightest bit of begging from étienne, she consumed them in earnest, then going back to her typing.
      after typing for awhile, she seemed to snap out of of her trance, closing the top. pulling forth her notebook and retrieving a pen from her bun, she began to scribble ideas for a cover down, as well as ideas for a promotional shoot. she smiled to herself as she did so, having finally cracked the code, figuring out exactly what she wanted to do.
      as she closed the notebook, étienne took a seat in front of her, leaning with his elbows on the table. "all done?" he asked, a polite way of trying to get her to leave, as the café would soon be closing.
      "for right now, yes," she answered, taking one last sip of her coffee. "can you ring up a tab for me? i'll pay them at the end of the weeks. something tells me that what i have on me right now won't cover just how much coffee i've been drinking."
      "that'll work, yeah. what're you working on, if you don't mind my asking?"
      "my next book," she had a shy smile as she briefly made eye contact, tucking her pen back into her hair. "i've been avoiding it for awhile and decided i needed to start on it tonight, since hardy and chalamet are in america for awards and my castmates and i have yet to really quite get along."
      "are you doing anything tonight?"
      "uh, no. probably just listening to the ted bundy tapes while i do some painting and writing. why?"
      "i could show you around parisian nightlife," he offered, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. "that is, if you want."
      "i, um, i'd rather stay in tonight. i don't mean to offend, i just would feel more comfortable staying in and going out another night with hardy and chalamet."
      "no offense taken, don't worry. i understand completely. will i see you again tomorrow?"
      "possibly," she drew out, rising to her feet and collecting her things. "i'll text you when i get back to my flat, yeah? have a good night, enne."
      "you, too, dosia."

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