imessage group chat

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"call me by your name or don't call me at all"

theodosia (peach)
timothée (elio)
armie (oliver)
elizabeth (woman)

this group chat is dead and
that makes me sad because
i know you guys are busy
making careers for
yourself and being grown
ups but i miss my babies

aw :( we miss you, too,
filming started and timmy
and i are both stressed to
the max
the only bright side has
been benny visiting me
before he and timmy fly to
america for the sag awards
i won't be going :(
i'm staying here and
they're filming some of
my solo scenes :(
i'm terrified :(
my castmates are chill i
guess but they aren't like
my favourite since we
haven't had much
downtime to just get to
know one another :(
they kind of really
intimidate me:(

they are all kind of
intimidating not gonna lie
they are all very much
here and ready to do their
theo and i will start joking
around in our scenes to
make it less awkward and
they don't get it because
they have yet to even try
to develop a chemistry
with us
like we're trying our
hardest, man

that happens, sometimes
how long has it been?

a little over a week

alright. just give it some
time, kids. maybe invite
them to a bar. are they
even called bars there?
anyways, invite them to
one, or have a movie
night, something like that.
they're all around your
age, yeah?


who all is in it?

lili reinhart is playing
meredith, neelam gill
is playing rashmi, ansel
elgort is josh, and ellie is
played by dove cameron

oh wow

that's a pretty nice cast
but anyways
we can facetime you while
they're in america a
couple nights
but other than that you
really should try to spend
time with your castmates

i guess so
i don't know
maybe i'll spend some
time writing?
there is pressure for the
book to be done shortly
before filming wraps
then while it is being
edited and whatnot i can
do press releases
then launch into aatfk
press releases
and then after the possible
awards and everything for
it: book tour
i'm stressed about it
already oof
it's so much
why did i think this was a
good idea?

because you're majorly
talented and the world
should know your name


it'll all be okay, baby. we
promise. armie and i are
always a phone call away,
no matter what time it is,
we'll answer. keep your
chin up. you've got this.
and when you feel like
you're crumbling, you
have us and timmy and
ben and the other boys.
so just relax. let life take
its course

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