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theodosia (theo, love)
ben (dreamboat muscle babe)

dreamboat muscle babe
hey is everything okay? i
saw your post


dreamboat muscle babe
i know you're busy with
filming and everything but
please, answer me, love


dreamboat muscle babe
theo? you should have had
about three breaks on set
by now. is everything okay?


dreamboat muscle babe
did i do something wrong?
i can't stand the silence.
it's killing me


dreamboat muscle babe
theodosia, please. just talk
to me. if i did something
wrong, let me know. let's
talk about this, baby


theo, love
i'm sorry
it's been a long day and i
really don't want to talk
about it
one day, maybe
and i promise, i'm not mad
at you, not at all baby
you haven't done anything
that could possibly offend
or otherwise anger me
i've been out and about all
day and left my phone at
the flat

dreamboat muscle babe
i was just worried, love,
that's all
if you ever need to talk,
you do know that i'm here
for you, always, right?
i don't care what time it is
or where i am
you need to call and talk?
call. we'll talk.
i'm here for you always,
ma chérie

theo, love
i know, mon beau, i know
i just gotta sort some
things out, i suppose

dreamboat muscle babe
you are okay though,

theo, love
as okay as i can be right
don't worry about it, okay?
just focus on the award
shows and being with the
boys and everything

dreamboat muscle babe
do you not want me to
come before the oscars...

theo, love
we wouldn't be able to
spend much time together
we're behind filming wise
so until we get back on
track, it's going to be
i'd be at the flat at night
and that's all
after oscars you can come

dreamboat muscle babe
all right, i suppose
i miss that beautiful face
think we could facetime?

theo, love
not right now, mon beau
maybe another time?

dreamboat muscle babe
all right
why don't you get some
i'll talk to you tomorrow,
sweet girl

theo, love
goodnight, baby boy
i love you

dreamboat muscle babe
i love you, even though
you insist on using that
(i secretly like it. don't
goodnight, beautiful

theo, love
i need you now more than
ever. i fear everything in
my life is about to come
falling apart and i don't
know if we're going to be
strong enough to hold it all
together, but i pray we are
message not sent!

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