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liked by benhardy, tchalamet, and 286,098 others

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liked by benhardy, tchalamet, and 286,098 others

theoisntitalian my first show. it was absolutely brilliant. thank you for having me. i will remember the feeling of walking onto that stage and hearing your applause for the rest of my life.

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benhardy i told you you'd be brilliant
theoisntitalian i'll never doubt you again
user this is the cutest it's gross
user it was beautiful! i had the absolute best time!
theoisntitalian i'm so glad you enjoyed it!
user i love one (1) poetess
joe_mazzello wish we could've been there! congrats theo!
mrgwilymlee what he said. congrats!
theoisntitalian thanks, boys!
tchalamet proud of you
theoisntialian forever thankful for you
user yes queen!
ramimalek commenting to say congrats and that ben is currently squinting very hard in concentration, i think he's sending you a cute text or something
theoisntitalian thanks! and thank for the warning!

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Where stories live. Discover now