real life

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      theodosia and ben sat in the back of the taxi, him trying to get her out of the vehicle as she persisted. "i don't want to," she whined dramatically, letting out a gigantic sigh.
      "theo, it's just one little dinner," ben argued, huffing. "stop being so whiny and just get out of the car."
      "but i don't want to!"
      "you need to! it's long past time you got to know your castmates, and i want to get to know timmy and étienne."
      "then you go to the dinner! i don't care about getting to know my castmates, i just wanna spend time with you!"
      he gave her a soft smile, taking her hand in his. "and you will be spending time with me. while we get to know some other people. it'll be okay, theo. if you get to anxious, just say the word, and we can step outside. we can go for a walk and get fresh air. but please, can you make an effort? for me?"
       she nodded silently, getting out of the vehicle on her side as he got out on his, the two heading into the restaurant. sat at a round table already was étienne, timothée, lili, neelam, ansel, and dove, the six chatting amongst themselves, the five in the movie with her acquainting themselves with étienne. they grew quiet as ben and theo walked in, standing to give theo hugs and shake ben's hand before they all resumed seating.
      "i apologise that we're late," theo said sheepishly, fiddling with ben's fingers as she held his hand in her lap. "i was a little anxious about coming in here, because the truth is i'm intimidated by all of you. y'all are already established actors who know their shit, and i'm struggling with doing something like this for the first time. i was worried that you guys might not think so highly of me, not realising that by avoiding contact with y'all that i'd be even worsening that image."
      from where timmy sat on the other side of her, he stretched out, draping his arm around the back of her chair. neelam reached across him to place her hand on the table in front of theo, stating, "theodosia, we understand. it's a rough business and some actors are cutthroat. we were just concerned, that's all. we thought we had done something wrong and possibly offended you."
      "i'm really glad that you came tonight," lili added with a soft smile, leaning forward in her chair. "and i'm glad we sorted this out now rather than later, because now with our months of filming left we'll be able to spend the rest of the time being chummy."
      "i personally knew that it was you being anxious," ansel stated, shrugging. "i did the same thing at first when i was doing my first movie."
      theo gave a small smile, making a move to touch her hair, a nervous habit she had always had. "to be completely honest, i was most nervous about meeting you, dove."
      dove's eyes went wide as she tilted her head to the side, bottom lip thrust forward ever so slightly in a pout. "how come, angel?"
      "you're just... you're ethereal, and i'm pretty sure you're a deity that has survived since the times of ancient rome, so i was really intimidated by that and very worried i'd be too plain."
      "oh, honey!" she rose from the table, walking round so she could wrap her arms around theo. "i'm so sorry you felt like that!"
      theo could feel her eyes watering, trying to hug dove back the best she could before the blonde woman took her seat back. she swallowed the lump in her throat, leaning into ben. "so," étienne stated, not understanding what he was doing there.
      "oh!" she exclaimed, sitting up straight. "y'all had time to meet and talk to enne, but benny, baby, this is my first parisian friend, étienne brodeur, bringer of coffee."
      he gave a small wave as ben nodded to him. "how do you do?" he asked, causing theo to give a snort, elbowing his side playfully.
      "i'm great," étienne answered in earnest, drumming his fingers on the table, fiddling with his wine glass. "comment-allez vous?"
      "trés bien," he answered, smiling down at theo. étienne felt jealousy fill his stomach as he watched the pair; felt disgust over just how in love they were.
      "proud of you," everyone could see theo mouth to ben, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
      "so theo," ansel cut into their moment, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat. he missed violetta, and mentally kicked himself for having ruined their little moment, knowing he would be upset if someone did that to him. "sorry. i, uh... how are you finding paris?"
      "i haven't really adventured out yet," she admitted, looking down at her lap. "just wherever we're filming, the coffee shop enne works at, a couple of the little grocery stores, and my flat. i am hoping to change that, though, and get some sightseeing in when we aren't filming. i've always wanted to come here but now that i am actually here... anxious."
      "understandable," dove nodded.
      "when your beau leaves, lili and i can take you around town. we've been doing quite a bit of adventuring and wouldn't mind taking you with us," neelam offered, smiling.
      theo felt comfort at her smile, nodding. "i would absolutely love that."
      just then, the waiters came round with wine and their meals, the chattering ceasing to a minimum as they stuffed their face with french cuisine. ben chose not to drink, instead asking for a glass of iced water. theo frowned, about to ask the waiter for the same when ben stopped her, saying, "if you want to drink, don't worry. this is your night. i'm just opting not to so that i can be clear headed in getting you home. plus, i'm not really a wine kind of guy."
      she nodded, taking a large sip from her glass of wine as she looked to him with soft eyes. "did you know i love you?" she asked, setting the glass back down.
"i think you might have mentioned it before, yes."
étienne pouted into his wine as he watched the couple, dove soon striking a conversation with him about paris life. though the two delved into conversation, étienne's eyes still fluttered to look at theodosia, trying to see if she was looking at him, too.
she was not.

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