real life

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a day later, theodosia lay on her living room floor, staring up at the ceiling, watching dust particles dance in the sun beam streaming in from the window. as she breathed in and out, in and out, she became all too aware of her heartbeat, the steady thump making her uneasy. she rolled over onto her stomach, propping her chin up on the backs of her hands, going over the events of that terrible night without wanting to, the scene in her head as playing as though it were a scene from a movie.
her therapist assured her time and time again that it wasn't her fault. that she couldn't have possibly predicted étienne would do such a thing to her. but still her mind travelled back. the more she thought about it the more upset she became, and the more upset she became the more she thought about it. it was a vicious, never ending cycle, her mind waging a war against her. she just wanted some peace.
no, ben. she wanted ben.
just as she thought such, there came a knock from the door. rising to her feet, she stumbled to open it, the sudden head rush making her dizzy. and looking up she found none other than ben standing at her door, backpack slung on his shoulder as he smiled shyly at her.
grabbing his wrist, she yanked him into the flat, shutting the door behind him. "what are you doing here?" her voice came out cold and emotionless, causing her to flinch. "sorry. didn't mean to sound like that. i mean, you just flew back from america, why aren't you at home resting after the oscars and everything?"
"i'm here to see another fashion show," he shrugged, setting his bag down on the kitchen table. "but more importantly, i'm here to see you."
she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly as she pressed her face to his shoulder. "i missed you," she mumbled.
he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the side of her head before resting his head on her shoulder. "i missed you most. i wish you could've been there for the oscars. you would've loved it."
"i stayed up and watched it," she admitted, giving him a squeeze. "i looked like a dead man walking the following day, but it was worth it. seeing you in that tux was everything."
he chuckled, the sound a rumble in his chest. "oh, come off it. it was just a suit."
"you looked so good, though," she hummed. pulling out of the hug, theo took his hand, tugging him to the living room. "are you hungry? thirsty? cold?" she asked as he took a seat.
he chuckled, placing his hands on her thighs, tugging her to stand between his legs. "what's got you so nervous, love? it's just me."
"i know, baby. i've just... haven't been myself lately, i suppose." before ben could question her, theo stated, "i'll go make us some coffee," wiggling from his grasp and disappearing into the kitchen.

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Where stories live. Discover now