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liked by joe_mazzello, mrgwilymlee, and 198,238 others

theoisntitalian sleepover with "my beau" or whatever

tagged: benhardy

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user oh. my. god.
user w h a t i s g o i n g o n
user SHIP
user #beodosia
user #then
joe_mazzello i personally support the usage of "then"
joe_mazzello but also WHERE DID YOU TWO GO
benhardy why
theoisntitalian because i guess you're cute or something
benhardy or something
user this is. wow.
tchalamet THANK YOU for finally admitting he's your beau !! :)
theoisntitalian asdfghjkl;
user this is everythinG

lucyboynton1 followed theoisntitalian!
ramimalek followed theoisntitalian!
theoisntitalian followed lucyboynton1!
theoisntitalian followed ramimalek!

lucyboynton1 why are we late to the party and why are joe and gwil freaking out about your whereabouts in the group chat
benhardy oh yeah we got a room for ourselves
ramimalek ;)
theoisntitalian not like that
user y'all w h a t now????
user this is all happening so sudden asdfghjkl;

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