real life

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a/n: trigger warning for sexual assault/rape. theme will likely be discussed here on sporadically, and referred to often. you have been warned.


theodosia leaned against étienne as they walked along the seine river, making their way through paris and back to theo's flat. the others had opted to get cabs, very much ready to turn in for the night. theo and enne, on the other hand, very much wanted to enjoy the chill in the air of that early february morning.
though externally theo was giggling, that didn't change just how confused she was internally. she had only had three drinks, including the one she had while she was getting ready. she knew this, because she had adopted the habit of drawing a tally discreetly on the inside of her wrist every time she was served another drink. so why did she feel like this? why did her head feel muddled and in the clouds, her thoughts seeming as though they would sharpen before vanishing into thin air? her train of thought was reduced to wreck, unable to keep track of anything.
she looked up to enne as she tripped again, unfazed, gripping onto his arm, nails making perfect white crescents. he chuckled as he looked down at her, brushing her hair out of her face. "you okay, pretty baby?"
she frowned at his pet name but brushed it, giving him a nod. "jus' tired," she slurred, her mouth feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton.
"you did have a lot to drink."
theo nodded, having forgotten about the tallies, believing his lie. he gently unwrapped her hands from his arm, wrapping said arm around her shoulders. he held her close to his body as he helped her cross at an intersection, the eyes of fellow night owls admiring them, taking them for a couple in love.
they were not, in fact, a couple in love.
and at this moment, theo wasn't even sure she liked enne as a person.
the closer they got to her flat, the foggier her head grew and the heavier her limbs became. she wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep, but at the same time, wanted nothing more than to thrash and scream.
when they reached her flat, enne took the keys from her pocket, letting the two of them in. assuming that he would leave then and there, having safely delivered her to her place, she got up onto her toes, wrapping her arms around him as best she was able.
      it was when he crashed his lips onto hers, using his foot to kick the door closed behind him, hands reaching down to grope her behind that every single cell in her body began to scream loud as can be, her head filled with alarms sounding like that of a million fire alarms going off at once. "we don't have much time," he said sadly, lips ghosting her neck. "timmy is supposed to be coming to spend the night with you in half an hour." he guided her body back to her room and to her bed, laying her down as he began to tear her clothes from her.
her eyelids grew heavier as she began to cry, wanting to run, to crawl out of her body, to do anything except be there in that moment.

and later still, once enne had left, having taken every inch of her without remorse, timmy let himself into her flat with his key, startling when he saw her in her bed. she looked broken, her body shaking as tears leaked from eyes squeezed shut. he rushed to her, making a move to touch her, deciding not to when her eyes finally flew open in fear.
"i need to go to the hospital," she managed in a whisper. "and death to étienne brodeur."

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