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theodosia (miss theo)

miss theo,
hey kiddo, this is dr. brian
may ! joe gave me your
number, i hope that's okay.
i just wanted to check-in
and make sure all was
okay ! Bri

miss theo changed unknown's name to star dad bri!

miss theo
hi dr. may! i had a series
of unfortunate events a
little over a month ago and
have most of them sorted
now. the only problem
remaining is ben refusing
to speak to me right now,
but the guys and i are
working on it

star dad bri
i'm so sorry about that ! if
there's anything rog and i
can do, just let us know.
we can give ben a very
stern talking to ! Bri

miss theo
haha! he's having a rather
roger-like fit about it, i'll
tell you that. i'm giving
him time to calm himself
down before i sit him down
and explain everything
in other news, i'm ahead
of schedule on the new
book and expect it'll end
up being released earlier
than thought!

star dad bri
congrats, miss theo ! anita
and i are itching to get our
copy! we've read your first
so many times that the
spine is already starting to
wear thin ! Bri

miss theo
i'll send a hardcover copy
when i send the new! it
gives me great joy to know
that one of my biggest
idols is pleased with my

star dad bri
you're too sweet ! for now,
i do need to get back to
rehearsals. rog says hello
and will be texting soon
himself ! i hope everything
gets better, miss theo. we
love you, kiddo. Bri

miss theo
have a grand time! give
rog a hug for me, please.
talk later. love you guys!

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