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liked by ramimalek, joe_mazzello, and 465,876 others

benhardy she thinks i'm cute or something but i think she's pretty

tagged: theoisntitalian

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user this keeps getting better and better
rogertaylorofficial you never told me you had a girl. you must introduce us
benhardy absolutely not!
theoisntitalian oh please please please
user are they dating? are they friends? what's going on?
user nobody knows
joe_mazzello i like how you can post this but you can't message the group chat back
mrgwilymlee you better message back. joe is getting jealous, mate
user you feed us after a month and this is the food we get
user be grateful
lucyboynton1 i wonder what it's like to be this pretty
theoisntitalian asdfghjkl; look in the mirror, lovely lady
elizabethchambers armiehammer guess your advice worked
armiehammer i told you i knew what i was talking about
theoisntitalian hi being my parents i love you guys but please no

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