real life

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      "your parents?" ben chuckled, looking up from his phone to look at theo, whom of which was sitting on the floor in front of the mirror, brushing mascara onto her lashes. he held back a laugh at the facial expression she was making, his chest warming up as he pictured having the ability to see such a sight every day. "i didn't realise armie hammer and elizabeth chambers had an adult child."
      she rolled her eyes, giving him a look through the mirror. "they've become like parents to me, especially with the whole timmy situation and my parents cutting me off."
      he nodded knowingly, the two of them having spent the entire night discussing their lives and most everything significant that had happened to them. "so when do i get to meet them?"
      she let out a cough, turning back to look at him. "w-what?"
      "well, i have to meet the parents if i want to pursue a relationship with you. want to make sure they approve of me and i won't ruffle any feathers."
      rising to her feet, she walked to where he sat on the edge of the edge, standing between his legs. she smiled at him and she ran her fingers through his hair, resting her hands on his shoulders as he rested his hands on her hips. "eventually. they do live out in california, so it'll depend on that. i call them 'mumma' and 'pops,' just so you know. they act like stereotypical parents in one of those teen films where the teen has supportive, progressive parents. they were the ones who gave me the advice of just talking to you normally without getting all embarrassed about the pickup line."
      "would you have otherwise?"
      a light blush spread across her cheeks as she answered, "yes."
      he smiled, groaning when his phone buzzed once more. "they won't stop blowing up the group chat."
      "i bet they will if you stop ignoring them."
      "what if i add you to it and you do the answering?"

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Where stories live. Discover now