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theodosia (theo, love)
ben (dreamboat muscle babe)

theo, love
okay, first, i really do want
to change your name in my
phone again

theo, love changed dreamboat muscle babe's name to benny baby boy!

theo, love
secondly, i know you're
currently on your way to
the airport in order to catch
your flight to america for
the oscars. and i know that
this past week or so, i have
been distant, and for that
i apologise. but back to
you, love.
you, benjamin jones, you
are the sunlight after the
night, the first pure snow
of winter, the rainbow
after a thunderstorm. you
are laughter, you are
smiles, you are pure joy
and ecstasy. you are a
blooming flower, aroma
sweet and ever so pleasing.
you are a fresh cup of
coffee, that first sip in the
morning when the day is
just yet born and has so
much to offer to you. you
are my nightly sight from
my windows, that view of
the fully lit eiffel tower.
you are the honking of the
mini cars down in the
street, lulling me to sleep,
bringing me some sort of
comfort. you are in every
beautiful song i hear, queen
or not, and in nearly every
poem i find myself furiously
typing into my notes, each
one so starkly obvious that
it's about you.
the thought of you is what
truly is keeping me moving
at this point; is what gets
me out of bed every day
(even if it is ten minutes
past my alarm). oh, my
dear, you're the apple of
my eye, and the beat in my
chest, and the roar of life
in my ears. you are every
extravagant, glittering,
gleaming thing i have ever
had the pleasure of laying
my eyes on.
and, being forward here,
you are my future.
yes, i do believe the crystal
ball said there's much in
store for us. i cannot wait.
and for now?
for now, get your life in la,
mon amour. enjoy every
single minute of it. i hope
for only the very best come
oscar night. i want nothing
more than to see y'all
snatch every award y'all've
been nominated for and i
pray to every otherworldly
being that that is exactly
what will happen.
i will see you soon, baby
boy, and i will hopefully
chat with you even sooner.
i once more apologise for
my actions in this past
week. go get 'em, tiger

benny baby boy
theodosia amethyst, where
am i even supposed to
begin with this
i'm crying
the flight attendants are
very concerned
gwil is teasing me
but i don't mind
i really hit the jackpot
when it comes to you, my
darling angel

benny baby boy changed theo, love's name to darling angel theo!

benny baby boy
there, it was past due that
i did that
back to the topic at hand,
you are everything i could
have ever dreamed of,
treasure. you really are
something incredible, theo.
god, i'm at a bloody loss
for words. how is it that
you always manage to do
that to me?
i'm counting down the
days and praying these
next four weeks fly by
faster than the laws of time
and space permit; counting
the minutes that i can wrap
my arms around my world
again. because that's it,
theo. you are my entire
world. it's all hitting me
now. bloody hell, theo,
i'm going to marry you
one day

darling angel theo
is that a threat?

benny baby boy
that's a promise

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