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liked by ramimalek, benhardy, and 789,430 others

theoisntitalian how much do i miss my boyfriend, you asked? well, i've watched bo rhap every night to fall asleep since it came out on digital. congrats on the sags and the oscar noms! i have never been more proud x

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benhardy i'll be home to you soon, love
user yeah me too
joe_mazzello but do you miss me?
theoisntitalian why else would i have purchsed undrafted?
user pls tell me you're going to do a twitter review on it
theoisntitalian you know it babey !!!!
user sometimes i feel like she's just riding off of the success of the boys like idk she might actually love ben she might not but sometimes it just seems like she doesn't actually care, like when she'll reply to everyone BUT ben's comments, but i could be the only one thinking this
user you aren't the only one sis. i haven't liked her since day one. ooF
benhardy actually, she doesn't typically reply to my comment because she's busy spamming me with soft, wholesome memes and making sure i'm taking care of my needs for that day such as eating and getting sleep, and when i am home (aka with her) she's drowning me in love via kisses and such, so politely get off of my love's page or simply don't comment. have a great day
mrgwilymlee i can attest to this. theo is really just a soft being trying to navigate this new world and comments like yours don't help user and user
user imagine not liking theo. wow. she's only the best human being ever. ugh
ramimalek that's what we've all been saying!
lucyboynton1 oh
theoisntitalian don't give me that, you know i love and miss you too
lucyboynton1 yeah i do <3
cafenoiretlesetoiles cute

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