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ben (roger jr.)
roger (roger sr.)

roger sr.
benjamin jones, you
bloody idiot
stop being such a fucking

roger jr.
stop attacking me, you
don't even know why

roger sr.
i do, but please, continue,
and try to put yourself back
in my good graces

roger jr.
she cheated on me, roger

roger sr.
lol! she didn't, but keep

roger jr.
she did, but okay, keep
telling me i'm wrong

roger sr.
i'm sorry, but was it from
her? did you personally
know and trust the person
who told you? were they
even a slightly reliable
source? was there any
evidence? have you even
attempted to speak to her
and hear what she has to
i'm taking your silence as
a "no" to all of the above
you bloody fucking idiot

roger jr.
like you wouldn't have
reacted the same way

roger sr.
no i wouldn't have because
when you have a love like
that, you take the time to
listen what they have to say
you don't throw a tantrum
you don't walk out on them
i've had my fair share of
and i've done my fair share
of cheating, mind you
but if i were in your
position, i wouldn't have
walked out
i wouldn't be throwing
such a bloody tantrum
ben, theo is something
she's a rarity, in the way
she looks at and lives her
if there was something she
was keeping from you, it
was for very good reason,
and it was not something
like cheating
that girl is all eyes for you
the only person she would
possibly cheat on you with
is me
a bad joke, but think about
it, ben

roger jr.
i'll call her

roger sr.
good boy

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