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theodosia (dear theodosia)
rami (ready, freddie?)

dear theodosia
hello, darling. long time,
no talk. i'm here to YELL
congratulations to you on
ANOTHER best lead actor
win. freddie is smiling
down on your with great
admiration and abundant
pride. there has never been
an actor more deserving of
such an award than you.
bask in your glory.

ready, freddie?
thank you so very much,
darling. it was an absolute
honour to portray such a
great man. i'm beyond
humbled to have won such
an award

dear theodosia
so humbled you forgot
how to walk? haha

ready, freddie?
haha! i wish i could say
i'm embarrassed, but i
was too excited to have
won to have such a feeling
the boys say hello

dear theodosia
tell them i say hello back
the cast of aatfk would also
like to congratulate you

ready, freddie?
tell them i say thank you
how is the poetry coming
along, treasure?

dear theodosia
quite well, i suppose
though it seems to be
taking a slightly dark turn
the title is still very much
in the works but i'm sure
it'll become evident soon

ready, freddie?
lucy and i are waiting in
great anticipation to see
whatever clever words
you spin
but for now, i must go
it was fabulous talking to
you, darling. talk soon?

dear theodosia
talk soon, rami

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