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theodosia (theo, love)
ben (mon beau)

mon beau
so say i were to be leaving
an airport to catch a cab
going straight to paris
what address would i give
the driver if i wanted to
see my theo

theo, love
right now i'm on set
but my address is ---------

mon beau
no reason at all
but just saying
it's a good thing you're

theo, love
i showed these texts to
timmy and he said the
same thing

mon beau
yes, you silly girl
i'm here for paris fashion
wanted to put me in some
stuffy hotel but i said i'd
rather stay with my girl
i also have a plus one
reserved just for you

theo, love
me every damn time you
call me your girl

but also filming wraps in an hour so i'll be to my flat in a good hour and a halfthere should be a spare key under my mat but if there isn't, we're down the streetshooting at a barvery excited to see you, mon amourgonna woo the shit out of you wit...

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but also filming wraps in
an hour so i'll be to my flat
in a good hour and a half
there should be a spare key
under my mat but if there
isn't, we're down the street
shooting at a bar
very excited to see you,
mon amour
gonna woo the shit out of
you with what little french
i know
i'll discuss getting time off
for pfw with the director
i doubt he'll say no to me
just look at this pretty face

mon beau
it is very pretty
but also, mon ange, if you
can't go to pfw, that is also
okay. i don't want you to
have to miss out on any
filming or get punished for
missing out

theo, love
trust me, mon beau, it will
all be just fine. i haven't
taken off any time yet +
after all of timmy's missed
days, there are some
scenes they need to shoot
without me that ended up
getting pushed back. they
can start that then

mon beau
if you say so
i just got to the flat. there
is in fact a spare key. mind
if i take a nap? your bed
looks incredibly cosy

theo, love
go for it
i'll be home soon

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