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liked by benhardy, elizabethchambers, and 763,847 others

tchalamet it's been a month. a whirlwind for us. wanted to check in. let you know. theo and i are doing a-okay. theo isn't ready to come back to social media just yet and that's a-okay. we thank you for your continued support. as sad as we're going to be when we wrap this movie, we're excited for you to see it. theo wants me to let you all know that the movie will be released this holiday season, shortly after christmas. happy french kissing, kids
note: she took this photo on my phone and gave me explicit permission that i could post it. don't worry

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elizabethchambers armie and i send all of our love. we want you to know we're here always
tchalamet we thank you, mumma
user she looks so colourless, is she okay, omg
joe_mazzello every last bit of my love
user hate this
mrgwilymlee is she eating properly? she's looking just a bit thinner than usual. is she sleeping enough, too? i miss her :(
tchalamet she's been eating and sleeping, i promise. filming has just been very hectic
tchalamet theo wants me to tell you that your dad side is showing
mrgwilymlee i'm just worried for our groupie!
user patiently awaiting her return and praying for her!
dovecameron our baby. the gang and i are on our way over for movie night
user they're having a movie night omg that's so soft
ramimalek our star. lucy and i send our love
user can't wait to see the poetry this hiatus brings!
user the entire bo rhap fandom sends its love and support !!!!

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Where stories live. Discover now