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"star queens"

ben (goatfish)
theodosia (man pouring water)
joseph (virghoe)
gwilym (archer man horse)
rami (literally a ram)
lucy (lady goatfish)

man pouring water
helloo, my loves
i just got back to my flat
from the café where i was
doing my research and
i'm ready to present my
okay so my chart
aquarius sun
aquarius moon
scorpio rising
pisces mercury
aquarius venus
aquarius mars
scorpio jupiter
pisces saturn
capricorn uranus
capricorn neptune
scorpio pluto
ben, my love?

yes, theo?

man pouring water
you, my beautiful baby,
are a capricorn sun
leo moon
sagittarius mercury
capricorn venus
taurus mars
leo jupiter
capricorn saturn
capricorn uranus
capricorn neptune
saturn pluto

cool cool
you're going to explain
that over facetime to me
later, right?

man pouring water
so joe


man pouring water
you, my funky little disco
dino, are a virgo sun
pisces moon
virgo mercury
leo venus
leo mars
sagittarius jupiter
scorpio saturn
sagittarius uranus
sagittarius neptune
libra pluto

your nicknames for me
just get better and better

man pouring water

archer man horse
yes, dear ginger lass?

man pouring water
you, my curly hair guitar
shredding harvestman,
are a sagittarius sun
cancer moon
sagittarius mercury
libra venus
libra mars
sagittarius jupiter
scorpio saturn
sagittarius uranus
sagittarius neptune
scorpio pluto

archer man horse
so many archer man horses

man pouring water
ooooo raaaaaamiiiiiii

literally a ram
ooooo theeeeeeeooooooo

man pouring water
you beautiful gorgeous
lovely man you, you're a
taurus sun
virgo moon
cancer rising
gemini mercury
gemini venus
taurus mars
libra jupiter
libra saturn
scorpio uranus
sagittarius neptune
libra pluto

literally a ram
i'm so pleased you exist

man pouring water
and finally, lucy, the love
of my life, my future wife

literally a ram
i want to protest but i
support it

i don't
my theo

lady goatfish
go on, mrs. theo boynton

man pouring water
well, mrs. lucy siano, you
are a capricorn sun
aries moon
aquarius mercury
capricorn venus
capricorn mars
scorpio jupiter
aquarius saturn
capricorn uranus
capricorn neptune
scorpio pluto

lady goatfish
so how's paris
make any friends yet
besides fellow cast
members of course

man pouring water
i actually haven't met my
castmates yet lolol
waiting on timmy to get
his dumb ass here
his flight was delayed from
weather + the y'know
gov shutdown
love that for america
i did however make a
friend at the café today

what's her name?

man pouring water
his name is étienne


archer man horse

man pouring water
yeah, his

nothing, it's nothing

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