real life

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      theodosia sat at the small café with a notebook and her laptop, chewing on the top of her pen. she was nearly done finding everyone's natal charts, fascinated as she read through ben's. she was startled by the clearing of a throat, looking up at the rude intruder, ready to yell. "est-ce que vous allez commander un café?" the man asked in rapid fire french.
      theo stared at him blankly, translating what she could, trying to find a reply. "i, uh," she paused, rubbing her forehead. he sighed, repeating himself in english. "i'll take another black coffee, please," she answered. "i'm sorry, i'm just trying to waste some time until my friend gets here."
      as he brought her coffee back he took the seat across from her, leaning over the table. "you're theodosia siano, yes?"
      "uh, yeah," she said, not looking up from her screen.
      "what are you researching?" he questioned.
      she looked up, setting her pen down. "natal charts. why?"
      "just curious. trying to make conversation, i suppose. i'm étienne, by the way."
      theo snorted. "how ironic." he raised a brow, prompting her to explain, "i'm here to film a movie adapted from a book. the guy character's name is étienne."
      "oh yeah, anna and the french kiss, yes?"
      "so, you said you were looking up natal charts. that's astrology, yes?"
      "uh, yeah. it's where the planets were aligned when you were born into the world."
      "i have to get back to work but i figure i'll see you again some day. mind looking up mine?" he raked a hand through his hair, looking hopeful.
      "i mean, i suppose so. i don't know when i'll be back here next since timmy is supposed to be coming and filming starting tomorrow and oh yeah, by the way, i'm a rambler. but i'll do it. i'll try my best to stop in and give it to you. birthdate, birth time, birth place?" she asked, picking up her pen.
      "it's 13 june 1990 at 13:19 here in paris, france," he said slowly. he watched in awe as she wrote it in perfect cursive, dotting her i's with a little circle.
      "oh, i should probably pay for my coffees, yeah?" she made a move to pull out her wallet but he stopped her, waving his hand.
      "it's on me, miss siano. consider it a welcome to the neighbourhood. however," he took out a pad, scribbling a series of numbers and handing it to her. "this is my number. text me if you need a guide around the city or just need someone to talk to."
      she nodded, taking it from him and shoving it into her pocket as he went back to work, she in turn gathering her things and going back to her flat.

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