Unbelievable (Ch. 41)

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"Angela. Please. I care about you too much. I just don't want to see her. You don't understand." He said slowly through the phone and I felt my closed eyes widen. Angela was his little sister than I've once seen in Fairy Cake.

"Do I really have to?" He sighed after a pause.

"I'll try. Good night." He whispered.

"Love you too, Anges." He softly chuckled and I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling. This was so adorable. It was the first time I've heard these words come out of Chaz's mouth.

A bit later, he slumped on the bed next to me. My eyes were closed but I could tell that he was watching me.

I held my breath to not shiver when I felt his lips against my forehead.

"Are you awake, Ollie?" He whispered lightly. I didn't reply.

"I know you're awake." He said after a pause and I held my breath again.

"Don't torture yourself." He softly laughed and I gave up, opening my eyes.

"There we go." He smiled and showed his deep dimples. I couldn't help but smile at his adorable appearance. His blue eyes were bright and sparkly, and the corners of his lips were curved to form a beautiful smile.

"What do you want?" I raised my eyebrows, biting the inside of my cheeks to not smile wider. I had to stay mad at him.

"Umm.. you might've heard it, or might've not but.." He sighed, and my heartbeat became a bit quicker. Not because he was so close to me (that was a different case.) But because he always had a terse, straightforward manner. He always knew what he wanted and got to the point. Now he wasn't doing that.

"Angela, my sister called. She technically didn't, my mom called and passed the phone to her.. same thing though." He whispered, and I felt a bit happy. He didn't have to talk about it, or tell me anything. But he did.

"I- it's her birthday tomorrow." He said sheepishly and I smiled.

"How old is she turning?" I softly asked.

"Eight." He stated and I smiled wider.

"Happy early birthday to her." I whispered and he half-smiled.

"She wants me to attended her birthday." He slighly bit his bottom lip in doubt.

"That's nice."

"My mom will be there. I don't want to see her though." He said softly. He told me. My heart felt happy, and at the same time concerned for Chaz. "I didn't see her for like 2 years.. I lost count of time."

"Oh." I whispered as my hand found his. I was done being mad at him, at least for now. Sera was the one who deserved my anger, not him.

"I want to see Angela, but I don't feel like seeing my mom." He said, looking away.

I sighed. "You can't always avoid people, Cazo." He glanced at me and smirked when I used his new nickname.

"I mean, you are related. You will come across each other sooner or later. You don't have to get in conversations with her if it makes you uncomfortable. You must just accept the fact that you'll see her though." I said calmly. I liked the fact that Chaz opened up to me, and told me how he felt and where he was going.

"You're right." He said after a long pause and a sigh. "I should."

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"One more thing." He ordered and I looked back in his eyes.

"I need you to come with me." He smiled weakly and my eyes widened.

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