Opened The Door (Ch. 49)

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"Xavier! What are you doing here? Get out!" I screamed at him.

"Why?" He leaned on the door and smirked at my small pajama shorts.

"Xavier. I'm warning you." I warned.

"What can you do? Call your pretty boyfriend to beat me up?" He widened his uncomfortable smirk.

"Well, that's one, but I'm going to hurt you too." My heart was beating like crazy. I couldn't think straight. I grabbed a vase that was on my nightstand and held it protectively.

"Oh please." He laughed lightly.

"Leave." I stated nervously.

"Chaz wouldn't like this, but I don't think he'd mind sharing a little, no?" He slowly approached me. I was frozen with fear. I had no idea what to do. He looked big compared to me.

"Please leave. Now. You can't be in my dorm." My voice was shaky as I held the vase tighter in my hands.

"So what?" He stood in front of me, and when I tried breaking the vase on his head, he grabbed it and threw it to the back, shattering it into pieces.

"Please, no!" I screamed as he grabbed my thighs.

"Leave me alone!" I tried kicking him as my hands struggled to reach out for my phone. He held my arm and threw the phone away from me.

"Xavier. No!" I yelled as he ripped my pajama shirt into half. I felt like crying. I felt like dying right on the spot. Embarrassment filled my veins as I quickly grabbed my blanket and covered myself.

"Oh, wow." He mumbled as he yanked the blanket away from me.

"Don't!" I felt helpless. Powerless. The shock didn't help. I was drained, and couldn't use not even half of my strength. I got used to Chaz saving me that I even forgot how self-defense was like. I took deep breaths as he kissed my shoulders, charging my strength.

With all of my charged power, I kicked him right in the crotch, and he was sent to the ground. I dried my tears that I didn't even notice before, and quickly wrapped the blanket around myself and ran towards the door. When I tried shaking the door handle, I realized that it was locked, and the key was nowhere to be found.

I ran towards my phone, and dialed any number I saw in my recent calls.

"Help me, please!"

"Via, what's wrong?!" Jay asked.

"He sneaked into my room. Please." I couldn't help but shake. "Xavier."

"What?! Where's your dorm Olivia?!"

"1025. Please help me." Was my last sentence before Xavier came from the back and punched me right in the jaw. It hurt like hell. I fell backwards and hit my head with the wall. He swiftly opened my window and jumped out. Literally jumped outside. From the 10th floor. I didn't know what happened after, since I was turning dizzy. I only remembered getting up, putting my uni's jumper on, and waiting as my headache got worse.


I finally finished working out before I hit the shower, grabbed my bag, and left the gym. I picked up my phone when I realized that it was vibrating. It was Jay. I was a bit busy and had to do a couple of things to do so I ignored his call. I thought he was going to ask me something about tomorrow's match. He always did that anyway.

I was going to sneak into Ollie's dorm again. No one ever noticed. I parked my car next to my apartment's building before I headed to the university's ground. When I reached her dorm, I rang the bell twice and waited. She usually opened the door quickly. When she didn't, I opened it myself, and was surprised to find out that it was unlocked.

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