Chapter 7

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Olivia locked her door and sat down on her bed. She grabbed her notebook and just sketched for hours and hours. She found herself having to form a new notebook cause she filled her first one. She eventually decided to stop drawing and put her notebooks and pencils away.

She couldn't decide what to do when she felt a poke on her right foot. She took off her shoe and sock and saw that she had been stabbed by the knife she kept in her shoe. She took the knife off of its holder and cleaned off its blade with her powers. She then took off the holder and cleaned it off as well.

When Olivia looked at the stab she saw that half of it was blood and half of it was ichor.

"I'm becoming more of a god..." Olivia whispered.

She used her powers to clean the wound and formed some bandages into her hand. She wrapped her foot in the bandages and put the holder back onto her foot. She put the knife back in the holder and put her shoe and sock back on.

Olivia then teleported to the throne room. She saw Zeus there like she knew he would be and she flew over to him.

"Father, may I speak with you?" Olivia asked.

"Of course Olivia. Let's go to another room though."

Olivia nodded and teleported to another room with Zeus.

"Now what is it?" Zeus asked.

"How long will it take for me to become a full god?" Olivia asked.

"Well it depends on how far you are already, is your blood half ichor yet?"

Olivia nodded.

"Then it will be two months until you become a goddess."

"Two months? What about when I become a goddess? Will I stay at camp or will I live here in Olympus? And when will I become the queen of the gods or whatever I am?" Olivia asked, Her mind was racing with questions.

"Olivia calm down. When you become a goddess you will have reached full power. That's all, you don't have to have a title like "Queen of the gods" or anything like that unless you want to. It doesn't matter where you live, and I'm not sure when you will take over my place. You will eventually become Queen of the Gods though. But I believe if the titans come back, and the gods need your help, you will be allowed to become the queen. If you feel like you should be queen anytime before you may ask to be. I may put up a fight but you will eventually become queen." Zeus said.

"So I won't be queen for a while?" Olivia asked.

"Yes Olivia, you may not be queen for decades," Zeus said.

Olivia smiled and then teleported to her room. Olivia decided to go to sleep and she laid down in bed. A few moments later she fell asleep.

It was the next morning and Olivia had just sent a dove out of the window and she walked into the closet. She changed into a pale pink tank top and some white shorts.

She put her hair into a fishtail braid and put on some white tennis shoes. She left the closet and heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Aphrodite standing there.

"Hello Aphrodite, Let me guess time to train?" Olivia said.

"Yes it is my dearie, now let's go."

Olivia rolled her eyes without the goddess knowing and then teleported away with her.

Olivia found herself in a city and she was in an alley with Aphrodite.

"Now child, what you have to do first is summon your powers of beauty and omnipotent allure, which basically means having the appearance of what someone thinks of beauty. For example, one man might see you with green eyes, fair skin, and blonde hair. Another may see you with hazel eyes, chocolate skin and dark brown hair." Aphrodite said.

Olivia just nodded and closed her eyes she felt herself changing and when she opened her eyes she saw that her hair was changing from different shades of brown, to blonde, to red. Olivia walked out of the ally and listened to the thoughts around her.

"Look at her blonde hair..."

"Her green eyes..."

"Her curls..."

"Her olive skin..."

Olivia heard many more and was amazed at how her appearance looked different to everyone. She went into the alley that she saw Aphrodite in and walked over to her.

"Has this always happened for me?" Olivia asked.

"Yes child, it has. You just know about it now." Aphrodite said.

"So this is basically practice?"

Aphrodite nodded. Olivia thought about everyone who has ever met her, what did she look like to them? A thought then hit her, What did Leo see? Olivia's mind raced with thoughts but she was snapped back to reality when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Child are you alright?" Aphrodite asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry," Olivia said.

"It's fine. Now it's time to use charmspeak."

Olivia nodded and Aphrodite took them back to Olympus.

"You will do simple commands for now and it will be the same for everything it will just vary with how much power you put into your words," Aphrodite said, she then teleported Poseidon into the room.

"What's this about?" Poseidon yelled.

Aphrodite looked down at Olivia and Olivia just nodded.

She focused her energy on her words and used charmspeak, "Sleep."

Right after Olivia said this Poseidon sat down to the floor and fell asleep.

"Good now wake him up."

Olivia nodded, "Awake."

A few moments later Poseidon was standing up on his feet again wide awake.

Aphrodite had Olivia practice her charmspeak for a little longer than said she was good.

"Aphrodite, Do you know who is training me tomorrow?" Olivia asked.

Aphrodite looked at Olivia, "Ares." Aphrodite then teleported out of the room.

Olivia stood there for a moment, "Ares?" Olivia thought "Oh no..."

Olivia teleported back to her room and sat on her bed.

Thoughts raced through Olivia's head, "Should I Iris Message camp? Should I Iris Message Leo? Should I ask him what I look like? What if he says something that's different than who I really am? What am I going to do about tomorrow with Ares?"

Olivia couldn't stop thinking. Olivia took a deep breath and focused on one subject at a time. She decided to send an Iris Message to Leo.

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