Chapter 33

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It's three days later and Olivia is back in her room in Olympus. While Olivia is putting away the new clothes that she brought from camp she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and saw Hestia standing there with her food.

"Hello child, here is your dinner. I hope you had a good time at camp." the goddess said after she gave Olivia the meal.

"Thank you, Hestia, I did," Olivia said. Hestia nodded and then teleported away.

Olivia closed her door and ate her meal, once she was done she sent out her transfigured eagle and finished putting away her things. 

Once she was done she made a cloud of mist and threw in a golden drachma and soon saw Percy in the arena with Laila.

"Hey, Percy," Olivia said.

Percy turned toward the cloud of mist, "Hey Olivia. What's up?"

"Well, it is after the campfire isn't it? I was just wondering if anyone was claimed yet?" Olivia asked and waved at Laila.

"Well, of course, Laila was claimed as a daughter of Poseidon, Ian and Morgan were claimed by Ares surprisingly, Carson was claimed by Hephaestus, Liam and Bianca were both claimed by Athena, Raquel was claimed by Hermes, and Mollie was claimed by Apollo. But some of those did happen while you were gone, you just hadn't asked." Percy replied.

"Alright, was Tina claimed yet?"

"Oh yeah, She was claimed by Apollo," Laila replied.

"Alright, well I got to go since I have major training in the morning, which sucks. But I'll talk to you guys later." Olivia said.

Percy and Laila said bye and Olivia disconnected the Iris Message. Olivia sat on her bed and grabbed her notebook and her guitar and started playing.


It's two weeks later and Olivia has done most of the last stage of her training. She had been fighting against the gods with the powers she has learned. 

The first day was Khione and Notus, the second one was Ariadne and Hecate, the third was Kymopoleia and Persephone, then Hermes and Dionysus, after that it was Apollo and Artemis, which was great to hear them argue over who was better, then the weekend at camp, then when she came back she went against Ares and Aphrodite.

After them it was Hephaestus and Demeter, Hestia and Athena, then Zeus by himself, Poseidon by himself, and Hades by himself. Then there was a day of rest for Olivia.

It is now the next morning after the rest day and Olivia has just changed into a black tank top that is tied in the front, grey cloth shorts, and black boots. She was putting her hair into a high ponytail when she heard a knock at the door.

Olivia opened the door and saw Hermes standing there with her breakfast. Olivia said thank you and Hermes teleported away. She closed the door and ate her food. Once she was done she sent out a transfigured eagle as always, and as if on cue there was a knock on the door.

Olivia stood up and opened the door to see Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades all standing there.

"Well isn't this a nice way to start the morning. Let me guess my "Challenge" for the day is to fight you three?" Olivia asked while placing an extra hair-tie on her wrist.

Zeus nodded and looked at her, "Yes, now let's get to the arena."

They all teleported into the arena and Olivia quickly put a barrier up around her and turned around to see Hades knocked onto the floor.

"Really Uncle? Do you think that you can get me with a dark bolt? I lived on the run for three years, try harder." Olivia flew into the air once she was finished and looked at the gods. "So I'm guessing it's the same rules again? We train until I get all three of you onto the floor?"

Poseidon nodded, "Yes Olivia. And no Hades doesn't count already."

Olivia laughed a little and then watched as the gods all thought about their strategy.

Before she knew it she watched as Hades raised hundreds of skeletons that were climbing on top of another to pull her down from the air but Olivia is quick and makes her own army of skeletons that start a war with Hades, and after a few moments of them fighting Olivia's defeat Hades and she sends them back to the underworld.

Hades growls and lets Poseidon start. The god sends a wave of water towards Olivia but Olivia changes the water to fire and shoots the wave right back at Poseidon and burns him slightly. Poseidon cursed in greek and then healed his burns at the best of his capability.

While Poseidon was healing his burns Zeus makes hundreds of lightning bolts on his fingertips and shoots them towards Olivia but she puts her shield up which repels them back at him pushing him back slightly.

After thinking for a few moments while Olivia was fighting the other gods, Hades sends bolts of darkness towards her but she sets up a shield of darkness around her which made the bolts repel stronger and they hit the god causing him to get pushed back, but not knocked over.

Zeus puts temporary madness on Olivia but right when Poseidon's chunks of sea ice hit her, she overcomes the madness and sends the ice back at the god hard causing him to get pushed back and pinned to the wall.

Hades was about to attack Olivia when she turns towards him and uses her powers to make it look like she is Persephone. And while the god is distracted Olivia sends her master bolt at Hades. He comes back to reality and sets up a shield of darkness but Olivia's bolt overpowers it and makes the shield disintegrate, causing him to fall down.

"One down two to go," Olivia mumbled. Hades cursed in greek but he stayed down on the ground without attacking her.

Poseidon laughs slightly at his brother's fall and then causes an earthquake trying to knock Olivia off balance but instead, Olivia is filled with rage. Her not being able to stop an earthquake was the reason why she was sent here in the first place. Olivia's eyes glowed red and she made the earthquake even stronger to the god's surprise and then shoots her master bolt towards the god. Poseidon's eyes widen and he is knocked to the ground by the master bolt.

While Olivia is calming down Zeus sends his master bolt towards her, but Olivia quickly turns around and sends her bolt right back. The bolt hit each other and right when they touch so much power is released and the room is filled with blinding light.

Everyone is blinded and once everyone can see again, Olivia is in the air and Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are all knocked down on the ground.

Olivia smirked and went back down on the ground, "Would you look at that. I beat the Big Three. Isn't that something?"

Hades growls but Olivia glares daggers at him, "Try to do anything, Uncle. I dare you."

Hades growls one more time then teleports out of the room.

Poseidon and Zeus stand up and catch their balance. "Well done Olivia. You did well." Poseidon said.

Olivia nodded and smiled, "Thank you."

Zeus looked down at her and slightly nods, "You did very well this whole time against us gods. I'm now positive that the war that is coming will be worth the training. Now you may go back to camp for the rest of this week. You must come back early on Monday morning though, for that will be the last day of your training."

Olivia nodded and teleported out of the arena and into her room. She teleported all of her stuff into her bag and then teleported to her cabin.

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