Chapter 8

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Olivia made a cloud of mist and threw a golden drachma inside. A few moments later she saw Leo in Bunker 9.

"Hey Fire Boy," Olivia said.

Leo looked up and saw the Iris Message, "Olivia! How's Olympus?"

Olivia smiled, "It's fine. How's everything at camp?"

"It's just the same old camp," Leo said.

He placed down what he was working on and walked closer to the cloud of mist.

"Leo this may sound weird but, what do I look like?" Olivia asked.

Leo had a confused look on his face but he didn't ask questions, "You have fair skin, brown and purple ombre hair, and electric blue eyes. Why O?"

Olivia smiled a little, "Nothing, I was just wondering."

Leo was about to say something but decided against it.

The two demigods talked for a little while longer until Leo had to go to the Mess Hall for dinner. Olivia said goodbye and waved her hand threw the cloud of mist.

When Hermes came to ask for what she wanted for dinner she told him to surprise her and sat down on her bed. She grabbed her guitar and just started strumming.

A half an hour later she heard a knock on her door. She put down her guitar and opened the door.

Hermes was standing with a small chicken pot pie and a glass of water. Olivia said thank you and took the plate, Hermes nodded and teleported away.

Olivia ate her food and sent a barn owl out of her window. She locked her door and went into the closet.

She changed into a white tank top and some jean shorts. She walked out of the closet and laid down on the bed.

She soon fell asleep but it wasn't very peaceful.


A girl was sprinting in the woods, she had fair skin, light brown hair, and grey/blue eyes.

Behind her was a cyclops.

Olivia watched as the girl came through the barrier and passing out.

She wanted to go help her but she knew she couldn't, She then woke herself out of the dream.


Olivia sat straight up and looked outside, the sun was up so she knew that people at camp would be up. She quickly made a cloud of mist and threw in a golden drachma.

She soon saw Chiron standing near the Big House with Will, "Oh thank gods, you are right here. Will, I had a dream of someone coming through the barrier. I can't come to help cause I have to train with Ares."

Will quickly grabbed a first aid kit and ran over to the cloud of mist, "It's alright Olivia. I can get this one by myself."

Olivia nodded and waved her hand through the mist.

Olivia changed into a maroon shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots. She put her hair into a fishtail braid and then walked out of the closet.

She heard a knock on the door and opened it. She saw Hermes standing there with some bacon and eggs. Olivia said thank you and took the plate, Hermes nodded and teleported away.

Olivia had just sent a vulture out of her window when she heard a knock. Olivia sighed and opened the door, opening to Ares.

"Why hello Ares, I'm sure this will be annoying to do for both of us so how about we go," Olivia said.

Ares just grunted and teleported away. Olivia rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, she then teleported to the training room.

"Alright pipsqueak there's only one thing you will be learning from me as you already know my other powers from the other gods. All you will be doing is odikinesis, or for your dumb self, causing a feeling of anger and hate into others."

Olivia just sighed and teleported Poseidon and Athena into the room.

"What's the meaning of this?" Athena yelled.

Olivia just rolled her eyes and focused her energy, she looked right into the eyes of both of the gods and a few moments later, Poseidon and Athena were screaming and yelling at each other. At one point Olivia had to remove the water from the room or else it would overflow from Poseidon.

Olivia sighed and focused her energy back onto the two gods. Soon enough they had calmed down.

"There, I used the power now can I go?" Olivia said.

Ares grunted and Olivia teleported away.

Olivia immediately sent an iris message to camp, "How's the girl?"

"She's good, she hasn't woken up yet so if you can you can come and tell her about everything," Will said.

Olivia didn't even hesitate, she teleported into the Big House right next to Will and sat on the bed.

Will dragged his hand through the mist, "So, how's Olympus?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "I wish I was back here, safe in my cabin."

"That bad, huh?"

Olivia just nodded. The two demigods talked until the girl woke up.

Will left the room and Olivia helped the girl sit up.

"Where am I?" The girl asked, her grey/blue eyes looking in every direction.

"Hey, calm down ok. You are at a camp called Camp Half-Blood. You are a demigod, half-mortal half god." Olivia said.


Olivia helped the girl calm down before saying anything else.

"How about you tell me your name."

"Fiona, Fiona Flame." The girl said.

Olivia smiled a little, "Nice name. Do you think your godly parent is your mom or your dad?"

"My dad, I live with my mom," Fiona said.

'Probably Hephaestus.' Olivia thought.

Olivia and Fiona talked for a little longer when an Iris Message showed up. Olivia stood up and walked over to the cloud of mist and saw her father.

"Where are you?!" Zeus yelled.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "I'm at camp, a girl came through the barrier."

"You have fifteen minutes before I teleport you back here myself!"

Olivia just rolled her eyes and said ok. She then waved her hand through the mist and went back over to Fiona.

"I'm really sorry but I'm going to have one of my friends show you around ok?" Olivia said hoping she wouldn't get mad.

"Ok, I sure wouldn't want to mess with your dad or whoever that was," Fiona said smiling.

Olivia laughed a little and teleported Leo into the room.

"Olivia! Why are you here?" Leo said grabbing Olivia into a hug.

Olivia laughed, "I saw Fiona come through the barrier. I'm sorry but I also have to go soon..."

The two of them came out of the hug.

"Oh, Ok. Why did you teleport me here?" Leo said.

Olivia saw the disappointment in his eyes, "I need you to show Fiona around, I think she's a child of Hephaestus." Olivia said whispering the last part.

Leo looked over at the girl and looked back at Olivia, "It was good seeing you O. I'll show her around and I can't wait for when you can come back for good."

"Me neither Fire boy." Olivia then teleported out of the room and into the throne room.

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