Chapter 16

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"Blue will be Poseidon, Ares, Zeus, Apollo, Iris, and Demeter. Red will be Nike, Athena, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus. Blue teams may go to the Big House to get ready and Red may go to the Arena." Chiron said.

Olivia stood up with Alexa and they went to the Big House. When they got there everyone else had gotten there and were planning on what to do.

They had talked for forty-five minutes and they had their plan.

They would keep the flag at Zeus' fist and would have Poseidon and Apollo cabin defend the flag and Iris and Demeter cabin would be by the river. Ares and Zeus cabin would be running through the woods looking for the other teams flag.

Everyone got their armor on and their weapons out. Olivia took out her dagger earrings and tossed them into the air, catching the twin daggers. Olivia placed the daggers into hidden compartments in her sleeves and flipped her coin into the air and caught her sword.

"Let's go," Clarisse said.

Olivia nodded and left the Big House.

Everyone ran into the forest, Percy had the flag and was sprinting to Zeus' fist. Darcy and Apollo cabin were following him.

Everyone else went to the stream, where Chiron was waiting for them.

"Alright, the stream is the bounds and you have already hidden your flags. There's really nothing else to say. Ready...Set...Go!" Chiron said.

Everyone sprinted into the forest. Olivia had separated from everyone and had run into the red team's area. She ran and ran dodging trees, and bushes.

After ten minutes of running, Olivia heard whispering, 'Keep going. You're close.'

Olivia sighed and kept on sprinting through the woods.

Olivia decided to take a look at where she was, so she flew into the air above the trees and looked around. She saw an open space with a red light shining in the center. Olivia flew back down to the ground and ran towards where she thought she saw the light.

'That has to be the flag...' Olivia thought.

Olivia took a deep breath and ran faster.

Olivia found herself running into a circular, open area. She saw the flag right in the center moving in the wind.

A few moments after she ran into the area Annabeth ran up to her and Olivia hardly got her sword up in time.

The tips of their swords hit, Olivia pushed her sword pushing Annabeth backward. Olivia flew into the air and flew towards the flag, but an arrow flew by her arm cutting the surface.

Olivia grabbed her arm and flew back down, She was halfway to the flag.

She heard trees moving and soon saw both of the teams surrounding the area. Clarisse attacked everyone who was guarding the flag, except for Annabeth.

Olivia took her sword and pressed it against Annabeth's and held it there for a moment. She held it long enough for Annabeth to be confused with what she was doing and then pushed the sword. She pushed it enough so she could flip off of it, kicking Annabeth down. Olivia put the tip of her sword at Annabeth's neck and used her powers to get the sword to stay there.

She flew into the air and flew over to the flag, She flew down and grabbed the flag.

Olivia held the flag and grinned at her victory.

'Take it to the border!' Olivia heard someone think.

Olivia flew back into the air and flew as fast as she could to the border. She could see people running through the woods below her.

She flew down to the ground and sprinted towards the stream. She got to the stream and jumped across.

She landed on the other side and held the flag high into the air. The blue team cheered at the top of their lungs and jumped up and down. Olivia watched as the red team threw their armor down in disappointment.

"Great job," Clarisse said to Olivia.

Olivia smirked, "Thanks."

Olivia folded up the flag and gave it to Chiron. Chiron had already collected the blue flag and was holding it in his other hand.

"Well done, Ms. Prince," Chiron said, Olivia smiled.

Chiron dismissed the campers to the Amphitheatre for the bonfire and everyone ran out of the forest.

When Olivia got to the Amphitheatre she sat with Leo, Alexa, Darcy, Percy, and Annabeth. But the whole time she kept a close eye on the new three demigods. She wanted to make sure their injuries were fully healed and that they weren't bothering them. She also wanted to make sure people wouldn't mess with them, and she wanted to see if they got claimed.

Half-way through the fire, Olivia saw a pink aura from the corner of her eye in the direction of where Alex, Chris, and June were. She turned her head to see June engulfed in the pink light.

As the light disappeared Olivia saw that June had a flowy pale pink dress on, a golden headband with two pale pink flowers on it, and a silver dove necklace on.

Olivia could tell that June was very confused about how her outfit had changed. Olivia looked down at Chiron and he got the camper's attention.

"Hail June, Daughter of Aphrodite."

Aphrodite cabin cheered, but June still had a confused look on her face.

"I'll be right back," Olivia said to her group of friends and they nodded.

Olivia walked over to where June and the other two were, "Can all three of you meet me by the Mess Hall?"

The three demigods nodded and Olivia walked back to her friends.

For the rest of the night, Olivia wasn't letting the three demigods out of her sight. She knew that if one of them were claimed by one of the Big Three when she was on her break and needed to teleport back to Olympus early, they would feel her wrath.

It was during the last song and Chris and Alex hadn't been claimed yet. She knew that the boys may not be claimed since they weren't thirteen yet.

But during the last few seconds of the last song, a flash of red light appeared above Chris' head, with a golden owl floating in the center. Olivia had a small grin and watched as people quickly turned their heads to look at the owl.

"Hail Chris, Son of Athena," Chiron said getting everyone's attention.

Athena cabin cheered, Olivia looked over at Annabeth and saw the grin on her face.

When Chiron dismissed the campers Olivia went over to Annabeth, "Wanna come with me to explain to Chris who his mother is?"

Annabeth smiled and nodded.

Olivia grinned, "Now we need to find Piper."

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