Chapter 18

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Olivia sighed and walked over to Connor, "Who's the little kid right there?" Olivia asked gesturing to the small boy.

"That's Caleb, he's only eight, so he hasn't been claimed yet. He was found by Grover a few days after you left for Olympus with Poseidon." Connor said.

"Any backstory?" Olivia asked.

"He ran away from home because he was living with his abusive step-father after his mother died when he was six. He had come with absolutely nothing except the clothes on his back."

Olivia could feel her eyes tearing up, what was up with people lately?

Olivia sighed and walked over to the little boy.

She crouched down next to him and smiled gently, "Hi Caleb. Could I talk to you for a moment outside? It won't be longer than five minutes."

Caleb was hesitant but he nodded and got out from under the blanket. Olivia stood up with him and took him outside of the cabin.

She closed the door and sat down against it with Caleb, "So I hear you got here around a month ago?"

Caleb just nodded.

Olivia smiled gently, "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Olivia, and I'm sorry about my temper back there. I didn't mean to scare you. But there is something I need to talk to you about."

Caleb looked down, Olivia knew he felt guilty for trying to take Alex's stuff.

"Hey, look at me..."

Caleb looked up at Olivia and she could see the tears in his eyes, "I'm so sorry! I feel bad for trying to take that stuff! I just don't have any of my own and the clothes at the camp store are too big, I thought that the bag might have something small enough for me..."

"Hey...It's ok. You wanted something for your own. I could make you some clothes if you'd like? Sure they wouldn't be very cool, they would only be solid colored and not any patterns." Olivia said.

But Olivia saw Caleb's face light up, "Really!? You would do that!?"

Olivia laughed a little, "It would take a few days but I'm sure I could do it."

Caleb jumped for joy and took a hug from Olivia, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Olivia took Caleb back inside and made sure that she had all of Alex's stuff.

She then stopped by Connor, "Take care of him, the little ones need you the most."

Connor nodded and Olivia left the cabin, She then ran to her cabin.

Once Olivia got to her cabin she made a cloud of mist and threw a golden drachma in, she soon saw her father talking to Hermes.

Olivia cleared her throat, "Uhm, father?"

Zeus turned from Hermes and looked at the message, "Olivia? Why are you messaging?"

"I'm telling you that I'm staying until Wednesday instead of tomorrow night," Olivia said.

"What!? No, you're not!" Zeus yelled.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "There are people here who need me right now, I have three new demigods I have to help and then there are so many other ones that need my help as well. It's three extra days. I have a whole month to train with the minor gods. I am staying here until Wednesday."

Olivia found herself putting power in the last sentence, 'Charmspeak...' Olivia thought.

Olivia panicked, she didn't know if it would work or if Zeus would get mad at her for using it against him.

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