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It's a few months later and everyone has gotten better from the attack. The gods surprisingly helped with damages and everyone survived.

Everyone was at lunch when an Iris Message came through right in the middle of the Mess Hall.

"Excuse me, everyone," we all looked at where the booming voice was coming from, "Tomorrow evening is the coronation for the new Queen of Olympus. You are all invited to watch your fellow camper become queen and become a full goddess. That is all."

The cloud of mist disappeared and everyone was completely silent. There was a coronation? No way. Olivia didn't expect to become queen for ages. And she's being transformed into a full goddess?

She stood up and headed out of the Mess Hall. She walked into the woods and just stayed there. She just thought about everything that has happened in the pretty short amount of time she has been at camp. 

The next morning Olivia is woken up by a lightning bolt striking in the middle of the cabin.

"What the-"

"Good morning you three," Zeus said looked at Olivia, Alexa, and Jason, "Olivia I want you to come to Olympus right after your lunch so you can get ready for your coronation."

Olivia groaned, "Whatever. You couldn't have just told me that in your mind?"

The connection Olivia formed with Zeus when she called for him and the gods telepathically still worked. They both were able to get ahold of each other and that was that.

"This was more fun." was all he said before teleporting out of the cabin and back to Olympus.  

Since everyone else had woken up Olivia just got up and went to change. She changed into some jeans, a grey tank top, and put her black leather jacket around her waist. She put in her golden lightning bolt earrings and put on the matching necklace. She put on her magic bracelets and then headed out of the bathroom.

She put on her boots which were by the door and then walked out to the Mess Hall.

After breakfast, Olivia went and sat on Half-Blood Hill. She felt like she had to be there. She wasn't completely sure why exactly but when she heard the trees rustling she knew exactly why.

She got out her sword and watched as Grover and a girl came running right behind him. She had pale skin, long, dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

"Hurry!" she yelled.

Right, when they came through the barrier Olivia killed the hellhound that was right behind them and then took the girl to the Big House.

When the girl was awake the girl said her name was Zoey and she was thirteen.

"I'm Olivia and I'm fifteen," she told her.

They talked about everything and while they were on the tour a red light blinded them for just a moment and Olivia looked up and saw an owl floating above Zoey's head.

"Looks like you are a child of Athena. You have some great siblings." Olivia said before taking Zoey to the Mess Hall for lunch.

She walked with Zoey over to the Athena table and introduced Zoey to her. They got talking and she went over to her own table to eat.

Once Olivia was done eating she teleported up to her room in Olympus and saw all of the Olympian goddesses standing there.

"Well hello. If I'm right you all are here to help me get ready?" Olivia asked.

All of the goddesses nodded and they took her into the walk-in closet that was much bigger than the last time she was there.

Right in the middle of the room was a mannequin with a navy blue gown that was covered in diamonds.

"Wow...it's beautiful..." Olivia mumbled.

"Put it on and then we will finish getting you ready," Athena said.

Olivia nodded and changed into the dress. There must have been a spell on it because it fits perfectly. Olivia let the goddesses back in and they handed her three boxes.

Inside of the first one was a diamond necklace that had a lightning bolt charm. In the second box, there was a diamond bracelet with a charm that was a water drop with a lightning bolt in the center. And in the very last box, there was a silver ring that had a diamond lightning bolt connecting two bands.

Olivia looked up at the goddesses and was almost speechless, "You can't be serious. Do I really get to wear these?"

"Yes, you do, Olivia. The ring is an heirloom that your father found in your mother's house once you left it with your twin. Believe it or not, he actually cared for her some. Your father had Hephaestus and some of the other gods make the matching necklace and bracelet. He also told me to tell you that you should wear the lightning bolt earrings you have in right now as well." Athena told Olivia.

Olivia sat down and put on the jewelry while Aphrodite looked over her hair.

"Well since I'm in charge of your hair and makeup I am going to have to look over what I got to work with." the goddess said.

Olivia groaned and let the goddess do her thing.

Hours later Aphrodite is finally finished after trying many, many, many different styles. She decided to do two braids at the top of her head but stop them early on and then connect them with a hair tie and then curled the rest of her hair. She did a smokey eye using browns and golds and used a deep wine red lipstick. 

When Olivia looked at herself in the mirror she was amazed. She loved everything about what she saw. She stood up and formed a big enough mirror that she could see all of it together and she loved it.

The goddesses all complimented her and then left the room.

Olivia waited in her room and eventually, she heard her father's voice in her head.

"You may come out now. The room is different, go down the left column of stairs," he said.

Olivia sighed and walked out of her room. She walked through the halls and she saw two columns of stairs. She walked down the left staircase which was closest to her and saw her father walking down the other staircase. 

She went to the throne that was in between the two staircases at the bottom and sat down. Hestia took the crown off of Zeus' head. She set it on Olivia's head and looked out in the crowd.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to take care of Olympus and it's people according to the laws and strictures the Olympians have all agreed on."

Olivia took a deep breath, "I solemnly swear to do so."

Apollo and his kids all started playing music and everyone stood up. Olivia stood up off of the throne and walked down to the aisle. Once the music stopped she stood right there with a smile on her face and listened as Hestia began speaking once again.

"Presenting her majesty, Olivia Rosalina Prince, Queen of Olympus."

Everyone cheered and Olivia couldn't believe it. She was the Queen of Olympus. She could feel her power flowing through her veins as the Olympians finished transforming her into a goddess.

She didn't know what was going to happen next or what she was going to do.

But she knew for sure that she was going to protect anyone and everyone she could.

With the help of a few friends of course.

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