Chapter 30

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Olivia couldn't understand what had just happened. Leo said that the song was for her and June, but it seemed that it was bad. She didn't know if it was supposed to hurt her, or there was a hidden meaning to it.

Olivia looked over at June and saw that she was fuming. Olivia smirked and then looked back down at Leo. He was smirking as well and was glaring in June. He held the microphone up to his mouth and Olivia held her breath.

"So you all have heard about me and Olivia breaking up. I'm sure there are thousands of rumors, but let me tell you the truth. So basically, I was scared. I have been hurt before, and I didn't want to be hurt again. People have always left me, so I kept on thinking and thinking. I kept on thinking that I should just hurry the process and leave her before she could leave me. And I had kept myself from doing it, but the thought was still in the back of my mind. Then a couple of days ago when June used her charmspeak on me, it overpowered me just enough, to make me leave her." Leo exhaled a breath that Olivia could tell he had been holding in.

"But, Yesterday I heard singing. It was Olivia in her cabin and let me just tell you I had run into Thalia. You could guess what happened then. Anyways, when I heard her singing, it was one of the saddest songs I had ever heard her sing, and it hurt me. It hurt me how I had hurt her so much. And I may or may not have heard a conversation the other day as well. And Olivia, the thought of me causing you to do that to yourself hurts me even more."

Olivia stiffened, he had heard Thalia yelling at her for trying to cut. She had gotten lost in her thoughts trying to process everything when she was cut off by Leo's voice. But it wasn't his voice, it was his thoughts.

"I hope this works, Olivia teleport June onto the stage." Olivia heard in her head. She sighed and snapped her fingers, teleporting June to down to the stage.

"What the? How did I get here!?" June yelled.

Olivia watched as Leo smirked and looked at June, "You know, Olivia has been blessed by all the gods. She is powerful enough to be the Heir of Olympus, and she is more powerful than you could ever imagine. She's an amazing person, and would never hurt anyone. She always puts her friends first, even if it meant she was going to get hurt. She has gotten hurt beyond imaginable and lost so many important people in her life, but she still is amazing. It's sad how you hurt her when she saved your life. She didn't have to use her blessing to heal your injuries, but she did. She has saved so many people. And I would love for you to actually see her power."

"Show her." Olivia heard in her head with a mischievous tone.

Olivia smirked and teleported down to the stage, "So, I'm the reason why you were teleported down here. How about I show you all some of my other powers?" Olivia said directing to the whole room.

Everyone became intrigued at what she was going to do but Olivia just smirked and flew into the air. She placed a spell on the Amphitheatre so nobody would get hurt and nothing would get damaged, and then closed her eyes. She focused on the energy around her and slowly made the room shake and shake. She opened her eyes and saw June shocked at how there was a major earthquake. Olivia snapped, ending the earthquake. She smirked and looked over at Leo.

Leo nodded the look in his eyes saying "More."

Olivia nodded and focused her energy on the air, she slowly made a small tornado in her hand, slowly making it bigger and bigger and soon it was almost covering the whole stage. She ended the tornado and flew down to the floor. She looked up and looked through the people. She spotted who she was looking for and smirked.

Olivia teleported Percy and Annabeth to the stage, "Sorry for doing this but I need people to confirm this, Alright so June listen up. Is it true that I defeated Hera?"

Annabeth and Percy nodded, "Yeah it was during one of the first quests we went on with you." Annabeth said.

Olivia turned around and walked over to June. As she was walking, she transfigured a knife out of thin air. Olivia saw the look of fear in June's eyes, she thought she was going to kill her. Olivia knew better and just rolled her eyes. When she got as close to June as she wanted to, she handed her the knife and looked her right in the eyes.

"The last thing, cut me with the knife."

"What? No, I'm not doing that." June said.

Olivia looked at Percy, Annabeth, and Leo who were all confused about why she wanted her to cut her, but Olivia saw a gleam in Annabeth's eyes signaling that she understood. Olivia smirked and took the knife from June.

"Alright, fine. But watch closely."

Olivia took a deep breath and cut a line on the palm of her hand, there was no blood. Just ichor. She used her powers to get rid of the knife and held up her hand for everyone to see.

"I'm immortal. Or more scientifically, I am rogue. It means that I became so powerful that I became an immortal goddess. Of course, I'm not an Olympian or minor god, but I'm just as powerful if not more. So June, I am worthy of being the Heir of Olympus. I didn't choose to be, by the way, my father, Zeus the King of the Gods, chose me to be. Over another Olympian. If that's not enough for you than I give up trying to convince you. But I believe I am worthy, which is all that matters."

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