Chapter 23

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It was the next day, and Leo had just given the last person their weapons and was heading to the Mess Hall for lunch. When he got to his table he saw Fiona wearing a bronze ring with fire on it. It was her sword. Leo had made it so the ring would turn into the sword, she was his sister, how could he not? Leo smirked and ate his food.

After lunch, Leo was heading to Bunker 9 just to clean up when he saw Will frantically running around. As Will ran past Leo, he grabbed ahold of his arm and stopped him.

"Will, what's the rush?" Leo asked.

"Three satyrs came in and there are now eight demigods in the Big House who need help. I need to find as many of my siblings as possible, but they all are at their activities already." Will said trying to catch his breath.

"Hey Will, it's alright. I'm going to Iris Message Olivia. I'm sure she is done with training for today." Leo said trying to calm Will down.

"Thanks," Will said. He then sprinted off trying to see if he could find any of his siblings.

Leo looked around and he luckily saw Darcy, who was just leaving the Mess Hall. He sprinted over to her and caught his breath. "Can you make a cloud of mist for me, Please?" Leo asked.

"Sure," Darcy said. She made the cloud and walked away.

Leo grabbed a golden drachma from his pocket and threw it into the mist. After a few moments, he saw Olivia teleporting into her room in Olympus. "Hey O. Are you done training for today?" Leo asked.

Olivia walked over to the cloud, "Yeah, what's up?"

"A few satyrs came back today with eight demigods. And they all need medical help and Will can't find any of his siblings. Could you come and help out for a little bit?" Leo said.

"Yeah! Of course, I can. I will be there in just a sec." Olivia said.

Leo dragged his hand through the mist and when he turned around was surprised to see Olivia teleporting right behind him.

"Alright, I need to get to the Big House," Olivia said. She quickly jogged away.


When Olivia got to the Big House she saw the eight demigods lying on multiple beds. There were three boys and five girls, that all looked about the same age. This time they all looked pretty injured. Olivia closed her eyes and looked over all of their injuries. All of them had at least one broken rib, they were all covered in cuts and bruises.

Olivia figured out that the boy closest to her had a dislocated shoulder and twisted ankle.

The boy farthest from her had a dislocated ankle and his right shin had snapped in half.

The last boy who was lying next to the girl farthest from him had a mild concussion and a stab wound on his side. Olivia quickly opened her eyes and looked at the children, they all seemed fine, but she needed Will to get there soon.

Olivia closed her eyes again and figured out that the girl farthest from her that was next to the other boy, had a broken arm, and a twisted ankle.

Three of the other girls each had three broken fingers, probably from trying to punch something and some torn muscles in their legs.

The last girl, who looked the oldest and most injured, had three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a twisted ankle, a broken shin, a mild concussion, a stab wound on her shoulder, a broken arm, and two broken fingers. Olivia opened her eyes and quickly teleported Will into the room.

"Alright Will, I'm going to teleport your siblings in here to help because they are all majorly injured. I will get the oldest girl but the rest of you need to help the other seven." Olivia ordered.

Will nodded and went over to the boy closest to him. Olivia teleported all of the Apollo campers and told them about the demigod's injuries. She sent them to work and then ran over to the oldest girl. Olivia fed the girl ambrosia and nectar and watched as the cuts and bruises slowly faded.

She then hummed Apollo's song and checked her injuries. She had only lost the concussion and broken fingers. Olivia opened her eyes and tried to think of what to do. She then took a deep breath and place the girl's shoulder back into place. She quickly gave the girl some more ambrosia and quickly looked over at the other demigods. They all looked decent and the Apollo kids had placed their body parts in the right places.

Olivia hummed Apollo's song three times trying to help the girl. When she checked over the girl once again she saw that there was only the stab wound left, "There must be part of the blade..." Olivia mumbled to herself.

Olivia waved Will over and the demigod quickly ran over to her, "I need you to have ambrosia and nectar ready. Right when I'm dome you have to give her it, Ok?" Will nodded and grabbed the ambrosia and nectar. Olivia closed her eyes and teleported the piece of the blade out of the girl's shoulder. When she did it felt like she had done it to herself. She squeezed her eyes closed and blocked the pain.

After a few moments, the pain passed and Olivia opened her eyes. She made sure that all of the new demigods' injuries were gone. They were and Olivia looked at the blade that was still in her hand. She cleaned it off and placed it in her pocket.

"You guys can go now. I'll take care of them..." Olivia said.

Most of the Apollo children left the room but Will stayed for an extra moment, "You ok? You looked like you were in pain..."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Olivia said.

Will looked at her one last time before walking out of the Big House.

Olivia sighed and teleported a chair to her. She sat down and waited.

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