Chapter 37

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Olivia woke up to find herself in the Big House. She didn't know what happened but the last thing she remembered was making a cold bomb in the Arena.

The cold bomb.

Of course! The impact of energy must've knocked her out when she threw it. It made sense.

She sat up in bed and she looked around. She didn't see anyone, but she could hear something was going on outside. She got up and put on her shoes that were right next to her bed and ran out of the Big House.

She looked around and couldn't believe what she saw.

It was like a battlefield. Campers were going every direction trying to protect the camp but the enemy was too strong. Hera was there in her godly form and Olivia could feel all of the power radiating off of her. She also saw Typhon causing havoc across the camp.

This was it. The prophecy Olivia told was coming true. Hera came to defeat Olivia. And like Olivia guessed from her dream she was getting help.

"Olivia what are you doing out here?! It's not safe!" Leo yelled.

"I'm rogue remember? I can help!" Olivia tossed her coin into the air and caught her sword. She tapped her shield bracelet and watched as the shield extended out.

Olivia flew across the area and helped whoever needed it with whatever monsters came their way. But she was always heading towards Hera.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. Little Heir of Olympus. Ready for one final battle?" Hera mocked.

"Don't you know it," she replied before flying to the ground in front of Hera.

Jason had recruited the members of the seven that were at Camp Jupiter and the seven were all handling Typhon.

Hera was all hers.

Olivia focused all of her power and raised skeletons from the underworld and had them attack Hera as she finished thinking about her plan.

As she thought, Hera was able to get rid of them fairly quickly, so she formed thousands of lightning bolts in her hands and struck Hera with every single one of them. Hera got stunned and Olivia was able to use her powers to contact Zeus.

'Alright, father I hope you can hear me. I need your help and the other Olympian's help. Hera is attacking the camp with Typhon. If you can hear me come and I won't strike you all with my master bolt.' Olivia thought as she tried to send a telepathic message to her father.

Olivia looked back at Hera and saw her forming her twin daggers once again and she knew she had to get ready. She formed a magical barrier around her but she also formed a bolt of darkness and shot it towards her right as she let go of the daggers.

She stopped the daggers right before they hit her and burned them to dust.

She was about to send another attack when a lightning bolt stuck Hera and blasted her back.

She looked up and saw the gods all in their chariots flying down. They started attacks on Hera and she looked up and yelled at them, "No go get Typhon and the other monsters! Leave Hera for me."

The gods nodded and they flew to help the seven. Olivia surrounded Hera in a cloud of darkness and struck her with her master bolt.

The battle went on for hours and hours. Artemis and her hunters had all came and they were all fighting monsters and Typhon. Olivia used so much power but Hera had grown stronger.

After hours and hours, the gods were somehow able to send Typhon back to Tartarus. But the monsters kept on coming. People were getting injured in every direction and Olivia is having trouble staying in the air.

'I can do this,' she thought, 'Just a few more powerful attacks and she's gone for good.'

Olivia closed her eyes and focused on everything around her. She healed everyone she could and sent lightning bolts in every direction, striking any monster near her.

"Olivia watch out!" 

She opened her eyes right as she heard the shout. Hera had thrown another set of daggers and Olivia wasn't ready in time and one of them stabbed her right in her shoulder.

She screamed in pain and fell to the ground, not being able to get back in the air.

Olivia wasn't able to work on herself since she was so weak and has used up so much power in such a short amount of time so she couldn't even sit up.

She could hear people yelling for her and yelling at others to get help but then she saw Hera fall down to her and walk right above her. 

"You didn't really expect to beat me, did you?" the goddess said with a smirk.

Olivia growled but she couldn't get up, "I am the Heir of Olympus! I am a rogue demigod and I am not longer mortal. My veins have ichor flowing through them instead of blood."

"Then the ground will be stained gold." was all Hera said before taking another dagger and stabbing Olivia in her other shoulder.

Olivia screamed in pain and she could feel every ounce of ichor coming out of her. 

This was it. The prophecy was wrong. Olivia won't be able to beat Hera. The defeated goddess will no longer be defeated but will be a champion. 

But the Fates had something else in mind.

All at once Hera was struck with bolts of dark lightning, ice blades, fireballs, arrows, daggers, sunbeams, any and every kind of attack was being used against the goddess. All the campers, gods, hunters, everyone was attacking Hera, defending Olivia.

Hera couldn't defend herself from every attack. She fought back as much as she could but when Olivia took out one of her dagger earrings and threw it in the air, she knew she was gone.

Olivia caught the dagger and threw it with all her strength screaming in pain in the process. The dagger went right where a heart would be if there wasn't an empty void in Hera and the goddess crumbled once again.

While the gods made sure Hera wasn't going to be able to escape, every camper and hunter came to help Olivia. Jason carried Olivia to the Big House and Will ran in.

"Gods, Olivia, two daggers this time?! Alright well, bite this..." Will had her bite a cloth and then pulled out both daggers as quickly as possible.

Olivia screamed in pain and threw the cloth across the room. Will fed her ambrosia and nectar and Olivia felt most of the pain go away.

"Never make me bite a cloth again, understand?" she snapped.

"Yep." was all Will said before leaving to help others.

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