Chapter 32

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The campers had gotten so much better since the last time Olivia had watched them train. At the end of the hour-long session Fiona had beaten Nicola and Bryson had beaten Chris. But it was always close, on all of the fights going on in the whole arena. Olivia left the arena before everyone could rush out and she just walked around the camp.

But of course, good things don't last long.

Olivia felt herself getting dizzy, and soon her vision went black.


Olivia looked around to find the person she was going to have to help and she soon found them.

It was a girl with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.

She wasn't sure what was chasing after her but right when she saw that the girl got through the barrier she woke herself up.


Olivia sighed and ran towards Half-Blood Hill. When she got there she saw that the girl had just run into the barrier and was barely standing. Olivia sprinted towards her and caught her right when she was about to hit her head on the ground. Olivia took hold of the girl and teleported them to the Big House.

Olivia laid the girl down on her bed and figured out the girl's injuries. She only had some bruises and cuts. Olivia fed her some ambrosia and got a cup of water. As the girl woke up Olivia helped her sit up.

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asked.

"Good I guess...Where am I?" the girl asked.

"A safe place called Camp Half-Blood. A place for demigods, children of one god and one mortal. But we can get to that later, what's your name?"

"Tina." The girl said.

Olivia smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Tina. I'm Olivia, How old are you? I'm fifteen."

"I'm ten," Tine said.

Olivia nodded, "Alright, Do you want me to explain things to you now? Or do you want to just talk for a little while?"

"Can you please explain?" Tina asked.

Olivia nodded and explained everything to Tina. After about half an hour Olivia had finished explaining and was able to take her on a tour of camp. As always she ended the tour at the camp store and got Tina some new clothes. Once Tina was done Olivia noticed that it was time for lunch. Olivia placed a spell on the bag as always and teleported it to the Hermes cabin. She then walked with Tina to the Mess Hall.

When they got to the Mess Hall Olivia pointed towards the Hermes table and told Tina she had to eat there. Tina nodded and walked over to the table. Olivia walked to hers and sat down with her siblings.

"Another new girl?" Jason asked.

"Yep. Ten years old and named Tina. I have a feeling it will be a god and not a goddess this time." Olivia said.

Jason nodded and ate his lunch. Olivia ate her lunch as well and soon sent her blessing to the gods. She was about to leave the Mess Hall Chiron had stood up and asked for everyone's attention.

"Everyone except Ms. Prince may be dismissed. Ms. Prince, I need to speak with you."

Olivia sighed and walked over to where Chiron was, "Why do I need to stay?" Olivia asked.

"I got an Iris Message today saying that you have to go back to Olympus in two days instead of four. The gods are almost ready for your next level of training and just need to prepare themselves." Chiron said.

Olivia nodded and walked away. She rolled her eyes when she knew Chiron couldn't see and jogged to her cabin.

When she got to her cabin she sat on her bed and screamed into her pillow.

"What's up with you?" Jason asked.

"I have to go back to Olympus in two days instead of four. I don't want to go back up there they always are getting on my nerves! I just want to relax but noooo I need to train to become the 'Queen of Olympus"." Olivia said.

"You know, you will have to become queen someday. Zeus can't handle things forever, besides the gods are terrified of you so it shouldn't really matter." Thalia said.

"I know but still I just wanted to stay here and hang out with you guys. I wanted to get to know the newbies better also. But of course, I need to train." Olivia sat up and put her hair into a new ponytail.

"Everyone needs to train, Hera is coming back and I'm sure the titans are going to as well," Alexa said.

"That just makes it worse. You guys already got rid of the titans but now you gotta defeat them again. I know you guys are acting like it isn't a major problem to make me feel better but I could hear Percy's thoughts when I told him and Annabeth that he was coming back. He almost died, he had to swim in the River Styx. It's not going to end well, I know it." Olivia said.

"It may not be great but we will get through it just like last time," Thalia said.

Olivia sighed and left the cabin once again.

She jogged around and soon found herself jogging to Bunker 9. Olivia jogged in and went to give Festus some oil. She grabbed a gallon and climbed up the latter. She poured the oil into Festus' mouth until it was empty and then threw the container down to the ground. She then jumped off the ladder and put the container away.

After she put the container away Olivia walked over to a table and looked at the sketches of ideas. Turns out they were only the sketches she had made with Leo for all of the campers. Olivia realized something, Tina didn't have a weapon. She sighed and decided that she would make her a weapon or two and then give them to her once she was claimed and Olivia could personalize them.

Olivia made a celestial bronze sword that was about three and a half feet long. Olivia put a spell on it so it would be the perfect weight that it would be perfect for Tina. She then used her powers to make it so it could turn into a simple bracelet.

As she was adding some wire as decoration to the bracelet Olivia felt arms wrapping around her waist. Olivia dropped the bracelet and elbowed whatever was holding her and kicked them to the ground.

Olivia turned around to see Leo lying on the ground in pain.

"Oh, my gods Leo I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to it was my reflexes! I'm so sorry here let me help you up." Olivia said

Olivia grabbed Leo's hands and pulled him up.

"It's alright O," Leo said catching his breath.

"You sure?" Olivia asked.

Leo nodded and Olivia and he sat down in some chairs. They talked for hours and soon saw the sun start to set.

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