Chapter 27

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Thalia had run through the whole campgrounds looking for Leo and June with Jason close behind her.

"Thalia, Stop!" Jason yelled.

"No Jason! He hurt Olivia!" Thalia yelled back. She looked around and saw Leo and June at Fireworks Beach laughing on the sand. Thalia ran as fast as she could and ran to the two demigods.

When she got there she grabbed Leo by the arm and pulled him up. She then punched him in the face as hard as she could and let him fall.

"OW! WHAT THE HADES THALIA!!!" Leo yelled standing up.

"THAT WAS FOR OLIVIA! YOU BROKE UP WITH HER FOR THAT!!!" Thalia yelled gesturing to June.

June glared at Thalia but Thalia glared back, "Don't talk about June like that! It was going to happen anyways! C'mon June let's go." Leo said.

June stood up and grabbed Leo's hand with a hmph and walked away with him. Thalia growled and almost ran after them when a strong arm grabbed her. She turned around and faced Jason.

"LET ME GO!!!" Thalia yelled.

"NO!" Jason yelled back.

Thalia tried to fight back but eventually gave up. She sighed and sat on the ground, "She didn't deserve this, Jason. She was happy..."

Jason pulled her into a hug, "I know, Thals. I know..."


It was time for dinner and Olivia had walked to the Mess Hall by herself. She sat down at her table and ate silently. She felt people staring at her but just ignored it.

"Did you hear that Olivia and Leo broke up?"

"Yeah, I heard that she had been lying about the whole training with the god's thing."

"What? Then what has she been doing this whole time?"

"No clue, maybe she thinks she's too good for camp."

Olivia tried to block out all of the conversations but couldn't. She threw down her fork and ran out of the Mess Hall to the Arena. Olivia heard people calling out for her but she didn't turn back she sprinted as fast as she could and ran into the Arena. She threw her coin into the air and teleported dozens of dummies to her. In seconds flat she had destroyed all of them.

She teleported more and more dummies until she had to make more herself. She was on the fifth group of her own dummies when someone grabbed her arms. She fought against the hands but soon her sword had been taken out of her hand and more hands were keeping her hostage.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" Olivia yelled.

Olivia was able to get out of the people's grasps and turned around to see Jason, Thalia, Alexa, Percy, Laila, Darcy, Annabeth, and Liam all standing there.

"Olivia we all know what happened with Leo. It took all of us to keep Alexa and Darcy from attacking him. You need to calm down..." Percy said.

Olivia sighed and sat down, "I saved her life, and I have the same powers as her, that are even stronger, but I was overpowered..."

Thalia sat down next to her, "It'll be alright. Wanna go to the Amphitheater?"

Olivia wiped a single tear from her eye and nodded, "Yeah, let's go..."

Everyone walked to the Amphitheater and went to where they normally would sit. Olivia watched as Leo sat with June on the other side of the room and sighed. She tried to have fun but she just couldn't, not without Leo.

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