Chapter 12

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Olivia ran through the forest and eventually got to the main part of the camp. She smiled and looked around the area.

Everyone was training all over the place. She saw Apollo, Poseidon, and a few minor gods cabins at the archery field.

Nobody had seen her yet and she could see Alexa at the forge with Leo and Darcy. Olivia turned herself invisible and ran to Zeus' cabin.

Once Olivia got to the cabin she made herself visible again and placed her bookbag on her bed.

Olivia emptied her bag and put the water bottles and first aid kit back into her closet. She grabbed her old clothes and put them in a drawer. She then grabbed enough new outfits to last her for another month and then placed them on her bed.

Olivia grabbed her bag of jewelry and poured out the contents. She sorted through the items and put her lightning bolt necklace and earrings from her mom, the dagger earrings from Leo, the bracelet Leo had made her when he asked her to be his girlfriend, her master bolt bracelet, and her shield bracelet on. She took the rest of the jewelry and placed it on her nightstand.

She placed her ambrosia and nectar back into her bookbag and put her notebook and pencils on her nightstand. She put the new outfits into her bag and closed it. She then placed the bag by the door.

She grabbed her guitar off of her bed and placed it next to her nightstand.

Olivia walked out of the cabin and just started to walk around. She wanted to see who would see and come up to her first.

She was walking by the pegasus stables when she heard someone yell her name. She turned around and saw Percy waving. Olivia smiled a little and jogged over to Percy.

"Hey, Percy," Olivia said.

"Hey, Olivia. What are you doing here?"

"I get to have a little break from training. But with my guess, I'm still going to be in Olympus for another month since I have to train with the minor gods as well. But thankfully I'm done with the Olympians." Olivia said.

"Well, that's great. Leo will be really glad to see you." Percy said smiling.

Olivia saw a new scar on Percy's chin, 'Probably from a quest.' Olivia thought.

The two demigods talked for a little while longer until Olivia decided to start looking for other people.

Olivia jogged to the forge and saw that Leo, Alexa, and Darcy were just leaving.

Olivia grinned from ear to ear, she made herself invisible and then jogged over to the three demigods. She snuck up behind them and then turned herself visible once again. She then shot three water balls with one hitting each of them.

The three of them screamed and quickly turned around.

"Olivia!" Darcy yelled. Olivia was on the ground laughing.

"Wait, OLIVIA!" Leo said pulling Olivia up and into a hug.

Olivia laughed, "Hey Fire Boy, how's everything?" Olivia could feel Leo smiling.

"Everything's great O. What are you doing here?" Leo came out of the hug.

"My father is letting me have the weekend off of training," Olivia said smiling at the three demigods.

"Well, it's great to see you," Alexa said taking a hug from Olivia.

Olivia laughed a little, "It's great to be here."

The four of them talked for a long time and they ended up at Fireworks Beach.

"Who's up for a swim?" Olivia said with a smirk on her face.

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