Travis X reader(Soulmate AU) PART 2

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Once again dedicated to UrEverydayFangurl741


I was shocked.

"Garroth, wait for a minute." I said. 

Garroth stopped and looked at me, confused. I grabbed the boys arm and rolled his sleeve up neatly, so that it would stay there and then rolled mine up. I put my arm next his and just stared in disbelief. Garroth and Aphmau's eyes bugged out. 

"Woah. You and Travis..." Aphmau mumbled.

"Isn't this... Isn't this what you've been waiting for?" Garroth asked.

As I gazed upon my tattoo, the feeling of disdain was replaced by a feeling of warmth. My little sister, a Freshman, must have spotted me because she ran up with a worried look.

"Sis? Are you okay." She asked.

"I'm... I'm perfectly fine Xyla. I'm... I'm great, actually. Look!" I said and showed her the matching tattoos. 

Her eyes bugged out as well.

"Woah! You found him! YOU FOUND YOUR SOULMATE! (Y/N), I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She said and began jumping in place. As she jumped, her skirt came up a little bit, revealing her tattoo, which, unlike mine, was extravagant. Garroth looked taken aback when he spotted the two ravens on her lower thigh.

"OH MY IRENE, (Y/N)! MOM AND DAD ARE GONNA BE SO EXCITED! WHAT'S HIS NAME?! HOW OLD IS HE?! WHAT COLOR ARE HIS EYES?!" Xyla began asking a thousand questions, as if she expected me to know the guy.

But Xyla's noise had fallen into the background when I saw Garroth's face. I had never seen his tattoo. He said it was on his thigh, and that was about all I knew about it. His mouth was agape as he stared at his own thigh and then back at my sister.

"Garroth, why don't you go talk with Xyla for a bit. I'll carry T-Travis." I said.

I couldn't say his name straight because I was still sort of in shock. I pushed my blonde-haired brown-eyed sister towards Garroth and took Travis from his arms. As the two walked off, Aphmau tilted her head questioningly.

"What's up with Garroth?" She asked.

"He found his soulmate." I replied, sort of dumbfounded.

"Really? Wow! Can I help you take Travis to the infirmary?" She questioned.

"Of course. He'll want to have a familiar face to wake up to."

Aphmau and I began walking. We talked the whole way there, and she told me about her tattoo. Hers was a Phoenix and a Falcon sitting side by side with a heart in between them. I told her that her soulmate was inside the school, but that she would have to find him herself because it's such a unique experience for each person. We finally made it to the nurse's office, and I laid Travis in a bed literally seconds before he woke up.

"W-where am I?" He squeaked. 

Aphmau laughed.

"You're in the nurse's office. You were hit in the head by a volleyball." Aphmau explained.

"Yeah, sorry about that. My friend Katelyn is the guilty party." I said, avoiding telling him right away.

"W-wow! You're p-pretty!" Travis said shyly.

I felt myself blush as Aphmau waved to us and walked off, probably to try and find her soulmate. I didn't know what words to use, so I rolled up my sleeve and lifted my arm so that he could see. His eyes grew wide and his breath hitched in his throat as he looked from my arm to meet my eyes. He stuttered, trying to get words out. I nodded.

"Travis, you're my soulmate."

"R-really? Y-you're my soulmate? B-but y-you're way out o-of m-my league!"

"Leagues don't matter when you have a soulmate. All that matters is that finding you took patience and a lot of hope. After all, 

Love comes with patience."

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