Scenario #1: How you meet!

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 I found the picture above and just put it here for fun. What's your unicorn name? I'm Fairy Candy Canes. Nice to meet you.

(BTW, there's scenarios in this now, lol. :3 Enjoy!)

Garroth: You and Garroth met in high school. He was a Junior and you were a Freshman. You became friends quickly, and stayed friends through college and adulthood. Garroth realized he had a thing for you sometime in his Freshman year of college.

Aaron: You met Aaron your Freshman year of college. Aphmau, your best friend, wanted to go on a big outing as a group, and the two of you really hit it off. You played a lot of video games together. When Aph wasn't able to be on, you played the role of his healer.

Dante: Dante was a blind date, set up by your cousin, who was dating Travis. That first date led to a friendship and the flirty bluenette having a crush on you.

Travis: You met Travis at a Magic tournament. You went up against each other, and after getting his a*s kicked, he couldn't help finding you irresistible. You ended up becoming friends and hanging out a lot because you lived nearby.

Kai: You met Kai at a seminar about safety. You, a martial arts teacher, were the speaker. He loved the seminar, and hearing you talk in general. He came up to you afterwards and asked a bunch of questions, including, "Can I have your number?"

Laurence: You met Laurence at a soccer game. You were the team captain of Okasis prep's team. After losing horribly, and being embarassed about losing to a mostly girls' soccer team, he started a conversation in hopes of lifting his spirits. Instead of leaving with high spirits, he left lovesick. 

Gene: You absolutely hated Gene. You had since high school because you were the goody two-shoes of the school, and he was, well, Gene. But then he started working at the Maid Cafe with you and you guys actually became friends. He had liked you since high school, and was happy that the two of you were finally getting along.

Zane: You owned a bakery, and Zane would order cupcakes only from your shop. He came in every two days like clock work, each time picking up a dozen cupcakes, half red velvet, half strawberry, with vanilla frosting and sprinkles. After months of thinking he was really cute, you finally wrote your number on the lid of one of his boxes, telling him to call you.

Vylad: You had gone over to Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan's house to borrow some sugar to make cupcakes, and Vylad was the only one home. He appeared from the basement shirtless, and you had to try really hard to not get a nose bleed. He gave you the sugar, but not without his phone number.

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