Laurence X Reader: What does love feel like?

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So this was suggested by ILikeBakugo. I asked for help because I had no ideas. Thanks for reading. Xyla and Kalea belong to me.  :3 <3

Laurence's POV

I was sitting around the house. All the guys were out and about, doing all sorts of different crap. All their activities had one thing in common, though. They were with their girls. Dante was shopping with Nicole, Travis was at the beach with Katelyn, and Garroth and Zane were with Xyla and Kalea, their girlfriends, to see a movie. That was the one thing they all had in common except for being guys; They weren't alone.  I slumped down lower on the couch. I had only ever experienced love once. In high school, with Cadenza's best friend, (Y/N). But, she was swept off her feet by some other guy, and I fell into the background. I had gone back to thinking about her in the past weeks. We were close in high school, and we had kept in contact. The jerk that she had swept her off her feet had cheated on her while they were in college, and I heard all about that. (Y/N) was always so curious about everything. There were so many questions she would ask me. The most important of all the questions she had asked me crossed my mind. 

"Laurence, What does love feel like?"  

When she asked that question, I had described things as well but as briefly as I could. I wanted to give her a real answer, but I wanted the discussion to be over because I was afraid of her finding out about my feelings.

"Irene, I miss her." I thought.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up her contact in my texts.

"Hey (Y/N). You able to talk rn?" I messaged. Much to my surprise, I got an almost immediate response.

"Yeah. I don't have work today, thank Irene :D"

"Lol. Do you live near Phoenix Drop? I don't think I've ever asked."

"Yeah. I live right in Falcon Claw. About a ten minute drive. Why?"

"You wanna come over? A bunch of people from high school live on this street. We all miss you ;-;"

"Sure. What street?"

"Lover's Lane. Can't wait to see you! :P"

"Same ;P"

I put my phone away as what was about to happen started to sink in. I was about to see (Y/N). Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan were going to be so happy. I stood to my feet and noticed for the first time what an absolute mess things were.

It took a whole fifteen minutes to clean the living room. The doorbell rang. I began panicking because every other room was dirty. I grabbed my coat and slipped it on before answering the door, hoping my plan worked. I opened the door to see her. She was my whole world in high school. When the door opened, her face broke out into a grin. Her (E/C) began to sparkle like they had been sprinkled with fairy dust, and her (H/C) hair was pulled into a ponytail(If you have short hair, pretend it says it was left down :3). Simple but beautiful, as usual.

To be continued in part 2...

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