Gene X Reader: My Partner in Crime Part 1(PDH)

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This one wasn't requested. The idea just popped into my head. Anyways, enjoy~


I walked into school as usual. The second week of high school and I had already adjusted thanks to my older sister, (Y/N). I made a lot of friends because of her, too! She was also a member of the Shadow Knights, and was known for turning the members of the group from "delinquents" (The teachers' words) to just "introverted goth no goods"(Also the teachers). She was best friends with Gene, the leader of the group. I never got along with Gene. He never seemed to like me, but all of a sudden he started acting weird towards me, he was really nice, especially when (Y/N) was around, and I had a hunch as to why.

He had a huge crush on (Y/N).

I had just kissed Garroth the night before, or more so, he had kissed me. But I was going to ignore that for a bit. I was going to confront Gene about his feelings for (Y/N). I knew that (Y/N) liked him, so I wanted to just... Scoot things along. In all honesty, I hardcore shipped them.

I found Gene in the hallway with Zenix and Sasha, just talking. (Y/N) was a teacher's aid and had all sorts of crap to do. 

"Hey! Gene!" I said and stepped up to him.

"Oh, hey Kit- Aphmau. How're you?" He asked. 

He had finally stopped calling me Kitty when he started being nice. Guess he was still adjusting.

"Great! I just wanted to talk about (Y/N) with you real quick." I explained.

A slight blush made it's way to his cheeks at the mention of (Y/N)'s name. Conformation that I was doing the right thing.

"Oh? Why's that?" He questioned nervously.

 "Because I figured out how you feel about her."

His casual look turned to a glare.

"And how exactly do you think I feel about her?" 

"You're in love with her!"

His blush got deeper, and Zenix and Sasha laughed.

"I told you it was obvious. I think everyone's realized it except (Y/N)." Sasha said.

"Shut up. Listen Aphmau, you can't tell her a thing." Gene said.

"And why is that? She's my sister. I share a house with her." I responded sassily.

"Because if she finds out, I lose my partner in crime. There's no way she likes me back. So, you tell her about how I feel, and I tell Laurence about you and Garroth, and I show him this lovely picture." He said and held up his phone, showing a picture of Garroth and I kissing.

"Wha- How did you get that?!" I asked.

"It's called keeping ammunition  in your belt. I figured I might need it at some point, you being her little sister and all. I won't let anything happen." He growled.

"Y-you can't do that! She likes you already and she won't anymore once I tell her that you're trying to blackmail me!" I yelled, gaining the attention of the crowd of students. (Y/N) was in that crowd. She looked at me with hurt filled eyes when I accidentally outed her secret to at least fifty students. But then she processed what she had heard. That Gene was trying to blackmail me. She stepped forwards out of the crowd and slapped Gene before grabbing my arm and dragging me away, leaving an undoubtedly heart-broken Gene.

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