Garroth X Ghost!Reader: I Never Stopped Loving You

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Thanks to warriors4everrrr for helping  figure out which book to write in/requesting this one-shot. 

Garroth's POV

I sat in homeroom the last day of Junior year, my eyes red and bloodshot from all the crying I had been doing. My girlfriend, (Y/N), had been murdered. Not just murdered by anyone, murdered by her phsycopath Uncle.

To take such a bright, loving light out of such a dark world, he must have been a phsycopath, I had figured.

I looked over to her desk, which was next to mine, and the image of her sitting at her desk, bored and waiting for the bell to ring so that she could get to art class, was still vivid in my mind.

I looked over to her desk, which was next to mine, and the image of her sitting at her desk, bored and waiting for the bell to ring so that she could get to art class, was still vivid in my mind

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I missed her more than anything. I loved her more than life itself and I had no idea how I was going to live without her. My sweet, loving girlfriend was gone.

We had planned on getting married after graduating.

Having children and sweet, modest house in Phoenix Drop.

Growing old together.

Watching over our grandchildren.


Everything that would never happen.

Because she was gone.

She was gone and I was never going to be able to see her again.

To feel her touch.

To cuddle her on a cold winter's night.

Feel her soft lips against mine.

Or her soft, small, fragile hand encased by my larger hand.

She was more than I deserved, but somehow, she fell in love with me. We had dated for three years. Three. Whole. Years. She died the morning of our three year anniversary. I went looking for her and ended up tracking her phone because I got so worried. I found her dead in an abandoned house, stab wounds spread across her chest, stomach, arms and legs. It made it even worse that she suffered.

I even found a recording on her phone of her last words.

She had said wedding vows.

Wedding vows she had apparently been writing since I gave her her Promise ring.

The words started flooding through my head.

"G-Garroth. H-hi Babe. It's (Y/N). I... I know y-you'll find this b-because they'll g-go through m-my phone f-for evidence. U-Uncle H-Horace did it. B-but I-I have a s-special message j-just for y-you. I... I'm a-about to die. T-the only regrets I have are n-not being able to l-live a full h-happy l-life with y-you... A-and never b-being able t-to get m-married. S-so I-I'm going to get a-as close to m-marrying you b-before I d-die as I can. I... I have m-my vows m-memorized, and I-I'm going to recite t-them for y-you. G-Garroth, y-you're the l-love of my l-life. E-everyone thought w-we was crazy when w-we told them t-that we're i-in love. B-but w-we stayed t-together. A... A s-schoolgirl c-crush turned o-out to b-be true love. L-love i-isn't just i-in f-fairytales, t-though I s-sometimes when I-I'm with y-you I feel l-like I'm in a f-fairytale. I... I never d-deserved your l-love, G-Garroth. I... I love y-you with a-all my h-heart. I w-want so b-badly t-to be your w-wife."

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