All the guys X Confused!Reader(Part 3)

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OMI, Part three already? Geez. I need to get a life.

(Y/N)'s POV

I approached the group of males, who had all looked over when Aphmau outed their secret.

"Is this true?" I asked timidly.

Some looked away, others nodded slowly.

"(Y/N), do you love one of us at all?" Laurence asked.

Tears had already began to prick at the eyes of a few of them, Laurence included. They were waiting to receive heartbreak. I looked towards my feet, tears beginning to stream down my own cheeks.

"I... I don't know..." I said before running out of the mall and all the way home, bags in hand.

Almost a week later, on the day before Valentine's day, I had decided. I had been avoiding them all week. It was time to make an appearance.

From here it's up to you. Who did you choose? Only the first two options will be presented in this part. The rest of the men awaiting your decision will be in the next part.


I stepped up to Aaron's house, my heart beating out of my chest. He opened the door, his eyes red and puffy, and his cheeks stained with tears. A look of surprise made it's way to his face when he saw me. I waved shyly.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

I nodded. "Y-yes. I... I figured it out. Aaron, I love you." I said stumbling over my words here and there.

His eyes lit up before he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I jumped on him and clung to him like a monkey.

"Yes." I answered and buried my face in his chest.


After three days of crying and screaming into my pillow out frustration, I finally figured out which one I loved. It was Garroth, my protector throughout high school and college. He had always been there for me, and I realized that I had fallen for him. So, I took the rest of the time until Valentine's day to plan and execute the perfect Valentine's day for us, before telling him, of course.

So I made a meal fit for a king and stuffed it into a picnic basket with a red and white checkered blanket. I grabbed a nice dress out of my closet and did my hair up.

Before leaving, I made sure to grab the slip of paper that had been sitting on my desk for three days

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Before leaving, I made sure to grab the slip of paper that had been sitting on my desk for three days. It said,

Dearest Garroth,

Come join me by the gazebo in Phoenix Park for a picnic. I will be awaiting your arrival.


Someone who loves you 💕

I climbed the vines leading to his bedroom window just high enough to slip it in through the open window. I climbed down and got in my car before driving off towards the park with the picnic basket.

Once at the park, I set up and waited. A whole ten minutes later, I saw him approach. I stood from my spot on the blanket. The look of curiosity turned to one of shock and joy, and he opened his arms to me. I ran into his arms and picked me up. He sun me around as tears of joy fell down his face. He soon set me down and rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, my knight in shining armor."

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