Daniel X Reader: Cancer

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(Y/N)'s POV

My huband, Daniel, and I sat in the waiting room anxiously, awaiting my test results

Daniel and I had been married for ten years.

We had five children and another on the way.

Conner, nine years old, Stephanie, eight years old, Thomas and Chloe, six years old, and little Maria, three years old.

And I was pregnant with a baby boy.

The children were being babysat by my older sister, Dottie, because we didn't want them there, just in case we got bad news.

I hadn't been feeling well for a few months and my eyes had been looking strange.

I was scared for my life, especially when the doctor said I would need a number of tests to determine the cause of my sudden illness.

I squeezed Daniel's hand as my ears sat flat against my head.

"I know you're scared, Darling. Don't worry. It'll all be alright, Love." Daniel said soothingly.

He had always been so innocent and loving. So amazing.

He was handling the frightening situation better than I thought he would, and I appreciated it so much.

He was my rock.

"I'm just so afraid, Hun." I said and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know. It'll be okay, Love. You'll be fine." He replied.

The receptionist behind the desk stood up and looked right at us. She walked over and I gulped nervously.

"The doctor would like to see you two in his office."

I nodded and Daniel and I stood, my large baby bump making it difficult. Daniel put a hand on my back to help me support our beautiful unborn child. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder to make up for my shaking knees and we made our way to the doctors office. 

Her office varied greatly from the examination rooms. EVERYTHING was dark oak wood. The shelves, the desk, the flooring, the chairs, EVERYTHING.

"Hello. Please, have a seat." She said.

"Doctor Conner, what's wrong with me?" I asked immediately once I had, once again with much trouble, sat down.

The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, straight to the point. I have good news and bad news, as cliche as it sounds. What would you like to hear first."

I grabbed Daniel's hand and squeezed it lightly.

"The bad news." I replied.

Daniel remained silent. He was just as scared as I was. I could tell.

"The bad news is you have a form of cancer that attacks the brain cells called Neuroblastoma."

I winced as tears filled my eyes.

"And the good news...?" I questioned.

"It's extremely early on and we will be able to safely remove it despite your pregnancy. To chemotherapy will not be needed as long as the suggested operation is successful." She said.

I sighed and broke down into tears.

"Thank you." I sobbed to the doctor before hugging Daniel.

"Call Dottie and tell her I'll be fine, Love! I can't wait to see our kids grow up!" I exclaimed happily and kissed him.

Everything was going to be fine.

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